Acerola has a sweet taste, is high in vitamin C and other nutrients. Acerola is easy to be broken and only lasts for 24 hours. Eating cherry is not only good for your health but also very safe because of no preservatives.



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Due to that reason, we choose acerola to make nutritious drinks that can drink at any time. With fresh, abundant ingredients harvested from rural areas of Vietnam, we carefully select ingredients and bring to you a tasty, nutritious product.

Acerola juice is a delicious, nutritious drink that many people love especially on hot summer days. Just like strawberry juice, mango juice, and acerola juice contain high levels of vitamin C, extremely effective beauty, and have many benefits.

Acerola Trobico

Here are some benefits of acerola juice:

1. Reduce aging, keep skin youthful

The abundant natural source of vitamin C in acerola juice is effective in inhibiting the formation of melanin pigment - the enemy that causes melasma, dullness and freckles.

In addition, it helps stimulate the production of collagen necessary for the daily needs of the body. Collagen is considered a cure-all for women in the anti-aging process and enhances the body's toughness and health.

As a result, you will prevent freckles, dark spots, and get a brighter, smoother skin.


2. Protect eyes:

Adequate amounts of vitamin A in acerola juice help protect the eyes and prevent eye-related diseases such as retinal hemorrhage, cataracts, etc.


3. Help the heart healthier:

Acerola is one of the fruits that is useful for the cardiovascular system because it helps regulate blood pressure levels, stabilize the heart rate. Therefore, acerola juice is very good for people with cardiovascular diseases such as coronary arteries, atherosclerosis or thrombosis,…


4. Prevent diseases caused by vitamin C deficiency:

Acerola juice is very high in vitamin C. Just eating two cherries a day will provide the amount of vitamin C equivalent to an orange. Therefore, to prevent the disease caused by Vitamin C deficiency, drink acerola juice regularly to get enough natural source of vitamin C.


5. Boost the immune system for the body:

The large amount of antioxidants will help boost the immune system for the body. It will help you avoid infectious diseases in a safe, natural and effective way.


6. Good for digestive system:

Vitamin B is used to support the metabolism of nutrients in the body, helps the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, fats in the body faster.

Fiber plays an important role in supporting the functioning of the gastrointestinal system. It supports the process of eliminating waste in the intestine. Thus, reduce the risk of problems related to the digestive system such as constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, ...

(Source: Credit)