Benefits of Coconut Milk That May Surprise You

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Coconuts – including coconut water and coconut milk – have recently risen in popularity due to a variety of health benefits. While coconut’s popularity in the U.S. is fairly new, many island populations around the world have been using the coconut in cooking, skin and hair care, and as a tool for maintaining healthy body weight and immune systems for years. Because research has allowed for a better understanding of the benefits of coconut, many health conscious people are now incorporating it into their diets.

Coconut Milk and Heart Disease

The medium-chain saturated fatty acids found in coconut milk can improve heart health, according to a recent study. The study showed that Polynesian Islanders who consumed more coconut milk, oil and water, had healthier blood lipid profile levels, which is a key indicator of heart disease. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut milk may also kill the three major types of bacteria that cause plaque in the arteries. While a healthy overall diet is important for heart health, incorporating coconut milk into your diet can also have positive results.

Coconut Milk and Weight Loss

Coconut milk contains MCFAs (medium-chain fatty acids), which are different from their long-chain counterparts that are often found in meats and dairy products. The difference between these two fatty acids is that MCFA’s, found in coconut milk, are metabolized by the liver, while the long-chain acids remain in the body as fatty deposits. According to an American Diabetes study published in 2009 incorporating MCFAs into the diet through foods such as coconut milk, can help to fight obesity and prevent insulin resistance. Despite this, it is still important to note that coconut milk is high in fat – meaning it is best used in moderation.

Coconut Milk and Immune Health

Coconut milk contains many beneficial compounds, such as lauric acid, antimicrobial lipids and capric acid, which have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. The body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which help fight the viruses and bacteria that cause herpes and influenza.

Coconuts Milk and Healthy Skin and Hair

Coconut milk is highly nutritious when consumed, and can also s improve the condition of your skin and hair when used topically. The fatty acids in coconut milk are a natural antiseptic and may help treat dandruff, skin infections, wounds and dry, itchy skin. Additionally, the high fatty acid content in coconut milk works as a natural moisturizer for healthy skin, and has shown to have anti-aging benefits, too.

Top 25 Healthy Vegetables

Healthy Vegetables

The simplest way to improve your health and ward off countless chronic diseases is by eating more of fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables. In reality, any vegetable is good for health, but there are a few that are definitely more nutritious than the others.
Here is a list of the top 25 healthy vegetables that you must include in your diet.

1. Onions

Usually used for flavor, this veggie contains cancer-fighting antioxidants. It is most beneficial when eaten raw. Cooking onions reduces the effectiveness of phytochemicals that fight against diseases, especially prostate and lung cancer. This pungent-smelling veggie is particularly good for people suffering from osteoporosis.

Try adding raw, chopped onions in salads along with tomatoes, cucumber, and avocados. Add a dash of blood sugar-friendly lime juice for taste.

2. Peas

Green peas are a powerhouse of nutrition. They contain iron and folate, which are extremely important for pregnant women. They contain a generous amount of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6 that help in reducing homocysteine levels, therefore reducing the risk of heart diseases.

3. Kale

Kale is chock full of vitamin C that reduces the risk of heart diseases by lowering the levels of bad cholesterol or LDL. The organosulfur phytonutrient that is present in kale protects our body from ovarian cancer, and the carotenoids serve the purpose of lowering the risk of cataract.

4. Broccoli

This cruciferous vegetable is rich in antioxidants that help in reducing the risk of lung, rectal, and stomach cancer. They are also rich in folate, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which boost the body’s immunity and protect against flu and cold.

5. Spinach

This chlorophyll-packed vegetable is an excellent source of every nutrient your body would require for functioning at its optimum. A cup of spinach can help you meet the body’s daily requirement of vitamins C and K, lutein, and potassium.

They are also packed with carotenoids that promote healthy eyes and prevent macular degeneration.

Scientists also believe that a diet with more of spinach helps you protect against various diseases such as colon cancer, arthritis, and even osteoporosis.

6. Carrots

The vibrant orange color of the carrot indicates the presence of high levels of carotenoids that reduce the risk of a few types of cancers and eye diseases. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C that protect the cardiovascular system against damage.

7. Okra

Okra, also known as lady’s finger, is a rich source of fiber that helps in reducing blood sugar and improving bone health. The abundant folate and nutritional value present in okra not only helps women to conceive but also helps in preventing miscarriages. It also aids in the brain development of the fetus.

8. Green Beans

Green beans are an easy source of folic acid and vitamins A, B6, C, and K. One of the benefits of this nutrient-packed vegetable is a reduced risk of heart diseases. It boosts the immunity and protects our body from colon cancer. It also helps in eliminating those harmful free radicals.

9. Potatoes

Whether you like it mashed, roasted, boiled or baked – the potato is one of the most versatile food staples. They are stuffed with phytonutrients such as carotenoids, caffeic acid, and flavonoids that help with digestion, promote a healthy heart, and maintain blood pressure.

10. Corn

The health benefits of corn include prevention of heart ailments, controlling diabetes, prevention of neural-tube defects during birth, and lowering hypertension. They not only provide the necessary calories for a healthy metabolism but also are a rich source of fiber and vitamins A, B, and E.

11. Beet

Both raw or cooked, this root vegetable is rich in antioxidants that fight against cancer. It also contains high levels of lutein that protect the eyes. Even the beet leaves are full of nutrition, and they can be cooked like any other leafy vegetable.

12. Cucumber

Cucumber is mostly made up of water, which means eating cucumber during summer helps keep you hydrated. It is rich in vitamins K, B, C, potassium, manganese, and polyphenols that help in reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

13. Eggplants

Eggplants are rich in antioxidants such as nasunin and other heart-healthy nutrients. Nasunin protects the brain cells from damage, and the presence of potassium and fiber reduce the risk of dementia and heart stroke.

14. Radish

Radish is diuretic in nature and helps in treating inflammation and that burning sensation during urination. It is a good detoxifier, and thus facilitates digestion. It can also help in treating piles.

Radish is a rich source of anthocyanins that provide numerous health benefits to the body.

15. Cauliflower

The cauliflower is another member of the cruciferous family of vegetables that provides a number of health benefits. It contains sulforaphane that helps in killing cancer stem cells. It also improves blood pressure levels in the body and maintains the proper functioning of the kidneys.

16. Celery

Celery is an excellent source of beneficial enzymes and antioxidants, as well as vitamins B6, C, and K. It provides dietary fiber that boosts digestion and promotes weight loss. Because of the high percentage of water and electrolyte, celery also helps in preventing dehydration.

17. Scallions

Scallions or spring onions are very low in calories. They contain flavonoid antioxidants and fiber that protect against various diseases.

18. Asparagus

Asparagus is a very good source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, fiber, and folate that help in fighting against cancer. It is packed with antioxidants that help in neutralizing the effects of cell-damaging free radicals.

19. Tomatoes

Though technically considered as fruits, tomatoes are often served as vegetables. They are rich in lycopene, which is well known for its cancer-fighting capabilities. Being rich in vitamins A and K, they also help in maintaining the blood pressure and reducing the number of free radicals in our body.

20. Parsley

Parsley contains a flavonol called myricetin that helps in preventing skin cancer. It is also effective in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and maintaining bone health.

21. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato has dozens of anti-cancer nutrients including manganese and vitamins A and C. It is also rich in fiber and iron, and thus, provides energy and regulates the digestive system.

22. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers, whether red, yellow or orange, are packed with a number of heart-healthy nutrients such as folic acid and lycopene.

Everyday consumption of bell peppers may help lower the risk of developing lung, colon, pancreatic, and bladder cancer.

23. Squash

Squash has a number of anti-inflammatory nutrients such as beta-carotene and vitamin C. It helps in treating a number of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and osteoarthritis.

24. Brussels Sprouts

These green vegetables are great for pregnant ladies since they are packed with vitamins B, C, and K, and folic acid that prevent neural tube defects.

25. Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts are a powerhouse of beta-carotene that protects the body against lung cancer and maintains the health of hair, nails, gums, teeth, and bones. It is also a good source of vitamin E that protects our body from strokes and heart attacks.

Our Mother Nature has gifted us with so many powerful sources of nutrients – so why not start eating them regularly instead of just relying on supplements? Hope you liked this article. Share your views in the comments box below.

Asian Pear, Basil, and Lemon Juice Recipe

Asian Pear, Basil, and Lemon Juice Recipe

[Photograph: Carolyn Cope]

Asian pear lends a delicate, floral sweetness to this light and refreshing juice, while the lemon and basil chat with each other in little bursts of excitement.

Notes: Juice the ingredients in the order listed to maximize yield. Finishing with a very juicy ingredient like celery helps to flush more stubborn ingredients like basil through the juicer.

When juicing greens such as the basil in this recipe, you'll get a better yield if you tightly pack the greens (roll them up before adding to the feed tube of your juicer) and place them between two harder ingredients (such as the Asian pear and celery here). Nudge the greens through the juicer one small push at a time.

If your juicer has multiple speeds, use a slower speed for softer ingredients like the lemon.

Keep in mind that juicers vary a lot in terms of design and yield, so your mileage may vary.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Karela Juice


Though it is bitter to taste, the juice of Karela (Bitter Gourd) is full of essential nutrients. Not only is it extremely nutritional, it is, in fact, considered a miraculous health drink. Karela juice has innumerable health benefits. It is an essential tonic for those who are diabetic. Not only patients, but in fact, everyone can get some or the other benefit out of this juice.

Karela is profoundly grown in Asian and sub-tropical climates. It makes an essential detoxifier and skin cleanser. Regular intake of this bitter herb helps boost the immune system while removing all unnecessary toxins. Bitter guard is considered a fruit as it has seeds. However, the most common usage of this fruit is as a vegetable, often used for cooking.

Karela Juice Benefits for Health:

1. Diabetes:

Bitter gourd has multiple health benefits. It is mostly consumed for triggering the blood sugar level. Diabetes is a common ailment that affects many people today. Regular intake of bitter gourd juice helps prevent the rise of blood sugar levels. It also helps cure insulin resistance without taking any external medication.

2. Cancer:

If not detected at the right stage, cancer is almost an incurable disease. Karela juice benefits to prevent some particular types of cancer. It also helps trigger leukemic cancer cells effectively.

3. Antioxidant:

Karela juice is an excellent natural antioxidant. Antioxidant is essential for removing toxins from the body. At the same time, it helps to rejuvenate the body cells and prevents free radicals. The juice of karela is the finest tonic for those who are addicted to smoking. Taking karela juice helps to cleanse the nicotine layer from the system.

4. Asthma:

Asthma patients can highly benefit by having karela juice. It helps cure chronic cough and breathing problems by removing the sputum that accumulates within the lungs and the respiratory tract.

5. Skin:

Karela juice is excellent for the skin. It helps to remove the fine lines from the upper surface of the skin. Having this juice will also prevent premature ageing. It helps cure and purify blood from within the system.

6. Digestion:

Karela juice enhances digestion. It increases the production of enzymes that aid the digestion process.


Regular consumption of karela juice is best for triggering the condition of an HIV patient. Studies conducted on natural antidotes of HIV/AIDS establish the goodness of bitter guard in preventing further damaging of the skin cells.

8. Weight loss:

Bitter gourd is excellent for weight loss. Karela benefits to weight loss is attributed to its high fibre and low carbohydrates and calories content. It makes an ideal diet for those who are on a weight loss program.

9. Immune system:

Karela juice helps boost the immune system.

10. Constipation:

Regular consumption of karela helps to cure constipation.

Nutrition Value of Karela Juice

Karela is an excellent source of all essential nutrients. The amazing health benefits of karela are all attributed by its excellent nutrient content. Be it the vitamins or the minerals, karela has it all. Regular consumption of karela juice fulfills the deficiency of major nutrients that we require on a daily basis. It is a rich store of all water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, B1, B2, and B3. It also contains minerals like zinc, alkaloids, manganese, and folic acid. The vitamins and minerals in bitter guard are much higher when compared to other green vegetables that are popularly available.

Karela Juice Nutrition Chart at a Glance

Nutritional Value Per 100gm of Karela juice

  • Energy-17 kcal
  • Carbohydrate-3.70 gm
  • Protein-1gm
  • Total fat-0.17gm
  • Cholesterol-0mg
  • Dietary fiber-2.80mg
  • Niacin-0.400mg
  • Folate-72µg
  • Pyridoxine-0.043mg
  • Riboflavin-0.040mg
  • Thiamin-0.040mg
  • Sodium-5 mg
  • Potassium-296 mg
  • Calcium-19mg
  • Iron-0.43mg
  • Copper-0.034mg
  • Zinc-0.80mg

So these were the many benefits of karela juice. If you haven’t tried it yet, we surely recommend you begin now!!

6 Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice: A Promise of Good Health

If you search for sugarcane juice benefits, you'll find that it has been attributed as a natural remedy to a score of problems. It's rich in antioxidants so it helps fights infections and boost the immunity. It's rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and other electrolytes so it's great for dehydration. It helps cure the common cold and other infections and also fight fever as it boosts the body's protein levels. Besides these, there are a few more great health benefits of sugarcane juice that you must learn about:

sugar can juice

1. Sugarcane juice is a diuretic which means that it helps treat urinary tract infections, kidney stones and ensure proper functioning of the kidneys.

2. According to Ayurveda, sugarcane juice helps strengthen your liver and is thus suggested as a remedy for jaundice. Jaundice is a condition where you find yellow pigmentation of the skin and membrane due to elevated levels of a substance known as bilirubin in the bodily fluids and is triggered by poor functioning liver. What sugarcane juice does is replenish your body with proteins lost and nutrients that it needs to recover quickly.

3. An Energy Drink - Sugarcane juice is rich in the good kind of carbohydrates, protein, iron, potassium and other essential nutrients that make it the ideal energy drinks. Especially in the summer months, a glass of cold sugarcane juice and really life both your health and your depleting levels of energy. It builds up plasma and body fluids and helps counter dryness and fatigue.

4. Ayurveda also suggests that 'sugarcane juice exhibits laxative properties thereby improving bowel movement and relieving constipation' (Source: Sugarcane juice also has alkaline properties which means it's good for treating acidity and stomach burns.

5. It has a low glycemic index (GI) so it comes highly recommended for diabetics. A study showed that drinking sugarcane juice did not alter the blood glucose levels of diabetics drastically but you should check with your doctor before you start to drink some of this yourself.

6. Sugarcane juice is extremely rich in minerals which helps prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

The Top 4 Avocado Skin Benefits

Is avocado good for your skin and if so what makes it so beneficial?

While using avocado directly on the face is a popular natural beauty treatment, many people have found that just eating avocado regularly can do wonders for their complexion.

Avocados are rich in healthy fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that can improve your skin from the inside. Here are four of the best avocado benefits for your skin and even more reasons to eat one of nature’s healthiest foods.

avocado juice

1. Antioxidant Carotenoids for Healthy Skin

Avocados are a great source of antioxidant carotenoids like alpha-carotene, beta carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein. These free radical quenching compounds provide significant protection for your skin from the environmental damage that leads to fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.

High amounts of carotenoids in your diet have been shown in scientific studies to improve your skin’s density, thickness, tone and general appearance.

Butternut squash is another high antioxidant food that’s also well worth adding to your diet for better skin.

2. Vitamin C 

Many people are surprised to find out that avocado contains good amounts of vitamin C for healthy skin. We should ideally have many sources of vitamin C in our diet every day as it is water soluble and cannot be stored in your body.

As well as having strong antioxidant properties, vitamin C is needed for the creation of elastin and collagen, which bind your skin cells together and maintain their firmness and structure.

Fresh pineapple is also a surprisingly good source of vitamin C and it has many other benefits for your health.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another skin antioxidant, but since it is fat soluble it is used by the body in a different way. Vitamin E assists in preventing free radical damage from oxidizing fats in your skin cells that lead to aging skin.

Research studies have also demonstrated that vitamin E can reduce the effects of UVA and UVB radiation from excessive sun exposure on your skin.

Vitamin E is much better for you and your skin when it’s obtained from natural sources like avocados. Here are 15 other types of foods that are good sources of this important fat-soluble vitamin.

4. Moisturizing Monounsaturated Fatty Acids

One of the main avocado skin benefits comes from their high oleic acid content. This monounsaturated fatty acid maintains moisture in the epidermal layer of your skin, helping to make it soft and hydrated.

An omega-9 fat, oleic acid is also involved in regenerating damaged skin cells and reducing facial redness and irritation. People who suffer from skin irritation and dryness regularly should try eating more avocado for skin health and moisturization.

Omega-9 fatty acids are one of the building blocks of a healthy complexion and avocados, and even more so avocado oil, are a great source of this skin moisturizing fat.

There’s much more on why the fatty acids and other nutrition in avocado are so good for you here, including all the vitamins and minerals they contain.

Eat Avocado for Better Skin

A diet high in avocado is good for your skin, and particularly your face, in the way its fatty acids moisturize and soften your skin cells.

When you eat avocados you are also giving your body a lot of skin protecting antioxidants, like beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E, to prevent wrinkles and slow down the visible signs of aging.

If you need any more reasons to eat them, there are 9 more health benefits of avocado here, including losing weight, better digestion and lowering your risk of serious health problems like heart disease and cancer.

Next up are two simple ways to do just that with an avocado, kiwi and spinach smoothie, that’s a delicious way to get more of the skin benefits of avocado into your diet, as well as an avocado omelette for breakfast for long lasting energy.

Please share this article with friends who care about their skin but may not eat avocados regularly. Healthy foods like this really are the best way to improve both your appearance and your overall health.

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