Kombucha Oolong Tea Drink 250ml Glass Bottle Trobico Brand (or OEM)

Rita Kombucha Tea is made with Oolong tea, sugar, a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) brewed to create a fermented, fizzy bright and lightly-effervescent drink. Oolong tea will give you a delicate, complex flavor that is lighter than black tea, but bolder than green. This tea also brings a pleasant sweetness to their kombucha. Of course, Rita Kombucha Oolong Tea is high in vitamin B, good bacteria and help contribute to digestive health.
Improves Gut Health
Kombucha is full of healthy probiotics. Probiotics help to propagate healthy bacteria in your GI tract, improving regularity and overall digestion.
Boosts immune function
This delicious fermented tea is a great source of vitamin C that helps to prevent cold and flu. Kombucha is full of antioxidants that may provide a protective effect against chronic illnesses like heart disease and arthritis.
Increases Energy
Base on having caffeine and B group vitamins, kombucha might boast results in a spike of energy for you, making this drink a great afternoon pick-me-up.
Manages Type 2 Diabetes
Kombucha may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugars. Also, with one of those ingredients is green tea, it could help with overall blood sugar control as green tea. Because green tea has preventative effects against inflammatory diseases like diabetes.
Decreases Inflammation
Full of polyphenols, kombucha can help to fight against chronic disease caused by prolonged inflammation, anywhere from arthritis to cancer.
Helps your skin ruddy
Many scientific studies show that kombucha tea helps to improve skin tone, texture and clarity as it brightens the skin. Finally, kombucha as an active ingredient also combats the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Kills harmful bacteria
Kombucha tea has been proven to have natural antimicrobial properties thanks to the fermentation process. The good bacteria (probiotics) and acetic acids in kombucha help your body kill the bad bacteria we’re exposed to on a daily basis.
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