13 Surprising Benefits Of Papaya

The health benefits of papaya include better digestion, relief from toothache, improvement in the immune system and the promotion of better heart health. Papaya is also believed to prevent cancer. Papaya, also known as Carica Papaya, is commercially famous for its high nutritive and medicinal value.

Fruits like papaya immensely benefit your body. Papaya is a natural source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the normal functioning of the body. It is famous for the luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics and has many health benefits. Papaya can be eaten as a fruit, a smoothie, a milkshake, and as a vegetable in raw form. Papaya, a cerise-orange colored juicy fruit is not only fragrant and delicious but also very healthy. Papaya has been famous for hundreds of years and it was once called the “fruit of the angels” by Christopher Columbus.

Latex derived from the raw fruit is used as a meat tenderizer and is also used in the manufacturing of several cosmetic, skin, and beauty products, as well as certain chewing gums. They are available for consumption throughout the year.

The whole fruit, including other parts of the papaya tree, are beneficial to health in several ways. An enzyme called papain is present in the fruit which helps in the digestion of proteins. Papaya in raw form contains this enzyme, which is used in the preparation of dietary supplements and chewing gums.

Papaya is rich in antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, flavonoids and vitamin C, as well as vitamin B (folate and pantothenic acid). It is also a good source of fiber and minerals such as magnesium. Together, these nutrients help to improve cardiovascular health and protect against colon cancer.

Health Benefits Of Papaya

Better Digestive Health:  Papayas are commonly used to aid digestion. The presence of papain, a digestive super enzyme, improves digestion by breaking down proteins and also cleanses the digestive tract. This ensures a reduced conversion of protein into body fat. If the protein in our diet is not digested properly, it may cause arthritis, constipation, diabetes, high blood pressure and other related health conditions.

Weight Loss: Papayas are also good for people who are trying to lose weight naturally. Having a bowl full of papaya as a mid-evening or mid-morning snack is good for health.

Papaya juice

Prevents Infections: Papayas are effective for killing intestinal worms, thereby avoiding infections and complications associated with them.

Relief from Toothaches:  A paste of fresh papaya roots can be massaged onto the teeth and gums to give relief from toothaches. The bark of the tree, primarily the inner bark, is also an excellent remedy. (Somonsohn, 2002).

Anticancer Properties: Researchers have discovered that papayas are effective against breast, pancreatic and other cancers. A papaya leaf extract obtained from dried leaves produced anti-carcinogenic effects against tumor cells that were grown in the laboratory. It was observed in a study conducted by a University of Florida researcher Nam Dang, and his colleagues in Japan, that the effects were stronger when the cells were given larger doses of tea. The scientists exposed different types of cancer-affected cells to different papaya leaf extracts and found that the growth of tumors had slowed down in all the cultures. The fruit has gained credibility and has been used in many western medicines for its anticancer powers.

Skin Care: Papayas can be great revitalizing agents, which is why they are used in many cosmetics. Also, papayas are used in homemade face masks by many women. Papain kills dead cells and purifies the skin. The beneficial properties and the healing enzymes present in papayas help treat sunburn and irritated skin. A good facial massage using papayas is good for the skin and removes the dead cells. If you are a person who spends most of their time outdoors, then papayas can be a great help as papayas fights free radicals that age your skin. The peels of papayas are also used to rub on the face and hands for healthy skin; it will work wonders for your skin.  Papayas are also used to treat skin disorders like eczema, psori

Improved Heart Health: The seeds of papayas are good for a healthy heart. Having three powerful antioxidant vitamins, namely vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, means that papayas are helpful in preventing problems such as atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. The presence of pro- carotenoid phytonutrients helps prevent oxidization of the cholesterol in the body. When oxidation of cholesterol takes place, it sticks to the walls of the blood vessels and forms plaque that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin E and vitamin C obtained from papayas will help in preventing the cholesterol from sticking to the walls, thereby keeping your heart healthy. As a good source of fiber, papayas also helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the body. Include papayas in your daily diet as a mid-evening snack to keep your heart young.asis, sores, wounds and ulcers .

Reduce Acne and Burns: The latex obtained from papayas is used to treat the areas on the skin affected with acne.  The fleshy side of the papaya skin can be used as a mask to cure acne. A diet which includes papayas will help to cure the conditions internally, making the skin clear. Also, when the latex is applied on the burnt area, it helps in reducing the marks caused due to the burn.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The enzymes present in papayas, especially the papain and chymopapain, reduce the inflammation in different parts of the body.

Papaya for Macular Degeneration: Macular degeneration is a disease of the eye. In this condition, the ocular cells become degenerated which results in blurred vision and can cause blindness as well. This is an age–related illness and adding papayas to the diet is beneficial for reducing the risk of developing macular degeneration. An antioxidant named beta-carotene gives color to the papaya. Just as carrots help to improve the eye sight, the presence of beta-carotene is known to be effective in reducing the effect of macular degeneration as well. According to a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, the consumption of 3 or more servings of fruit on a daily basis day may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).

Treating Constipation: The presence of folate, vitamin C and vitamin E in papayas reduces motion sickness by producing a tonic effect in the stomach and in the intestines. Papaya juice and the ripened form of papaya also help to aid digestion. The fiber obtained from the fruit helps to increase bowel movements. Improved bowel movements help to ease the passage of stool, thereby reducing the effects of constipation (Pinoy B. 2010).

Menstruation: Papaya juice can be of great help for women with irregular periods. Consumption of green, unripe papayas can also normalize the irregularity in the periodic cycle. Papayas are considered as a ‘hot food’, meaning that it produces heat in the body. This excessive production of heat in the body stimulates the estrogen hormone. This induces periods in the females. Hence, papayas can be beneficial to handle difficult periods.

Arthritis: Papayas have been known to be effective against rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. One of the enzymes found in papayas, called chemopapain, has a significant effect on controlling rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Improved Immunity: Papaya consumption has also been linked to improvement in the immunity system of the body. Research conducted by Hiramoto, Imao, Sato, Inoue, and Mori from Japan is a proof that the antioxidants present in papaya play an important role in improving the immunity system of people.

Flowers and roots of the plant have been proven to be beneficial against jaundice, bronchitis, kidney colic and other illnesses.

Health Benefits of Raw Apple Juice

apple juice

Freshly made raw apple juice is not only a refreshing, natural beverage, it is also rich in many nutrients, and provides you with an easy way of consuming the nutrients that raw apples have. Raw apple juice is also a good source of quercetin, which is a natural antioxidant. It takes 4 cups of chopped raw apples, peel on, to make 1 cup of raw apple juice.

Raw Apple Juice and Vitamin C

You need vitamin C, which is also known as ascorbic acid, to keep your blood vessels, ligaments, tendons and skin healthy, as it helps produce collagen. It also helps with repairing wounds and provides a necessary boost to your immune system. As a natural antioxidant, vitamin C slows down the aging process and protects your body’s cells from damage from toxins such as cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes. A 1-cup serving of raw apple juice has 23 milligrams of vitamin C per serving. The daily recommended intake of vitamin C is between 75 and 120 milligrams for all adults, although those who smoke or who are regularly exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke will need to increase their daily intake by 35 milligrams. This means that a 1-cup serving of raw apple juice has 19 percent to 31 percent of your recommended intake of vitamin C.

Raw Apple Juice Is a Potassium Source

As an electrolyte, potassium controls your heart’s electrical activity and also manages your body’s acid-base balance. Potassium also helps with the production of protein and muscle and you need it to break down the carbohydrates so that you can use them as a source of energy. With 535 milligrams of potassium per serving, 1 cup of raw apple juice provides more than 11 percent of the recommended dietary intake of potassium for adult men and women, whose recommended dietary intake for potassium is 4,700 milligrams. For pregnant and breast-feeding women, a 1-cup serving of raw apple juice has 10.5 percent of their RDI.

Raw Apple Juice and Vitamin K

Vitamin K is essential for creating blood clots, as it helps your blood coagulate. Because of this, vitamin K is vital for repairing wounds, cuts and bruises to your body. Insufficient amounts of vitamin K will lead to abnormal bleeding. You also need it for your body to process calcium to help keep your bones and teeth strong. A 1-cup serving of raw apple juice has 11 micrograms of vitamin K, which provides between 9.1 and 12 percent of the recommended daily adequate intake for all adults.

Raw Apple Juice Offers Potential Cancer Benefits

Raw apple juice made from skin-on apples is rich in quercetin, which is a natural polyphenol in apples. A 2008 study published in “Planta Medica” showed that unfiltered apple juice was richer in polyphenols than clear apple juice. The majority of an apple’s quercetin content can be found in the peel, which is then transferred to raw apple juice made with peel-on apples, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. In addition, animal studies that used quercetin, helped fight the effects of colon cancer, notes the American Cancer Society.

Orange Juice: Health Benefits, Nutritional Value & Calories

Orange juice, as you can probably guess, is the juice squeezed from the popular and delicious citrus fruit, oranges. It is widely considered one of the healthiest beverages because of its wide range of health benefits, which include its ability to boost immune system function, reduce signs of aging, protect against cancer, boost cellular repair and metabolism, detoxify the body, improve circulation, improves blood pressure, reduces inflammation, and lowers cholesterol levels.

Oranges have been a staple of eating healthy for thousands of years, and the fruit probably originated somewhere in Southeast Asia. Historical records of oranges date back as far as China, more than 4,500 years ago. It is one of the most popular citrus fruits, and its scientific name is Citrus sinensis. There are a number of different orange varieties, but this is the sweet orange, the most popular and commonly eaten variety. This provides some of the most delicious types of orange juice, although there are some people who prefer the juice from blood oranges, mandarin oranges, or even bitter oranges.

The orange juice can be just as beneficial as eating the fruit whole, provided it is 100% natural, and is not loaded with preservatives, additives, and sugar. The closest thing to eating an orange would be drinking a glass of unpasteurized, freshly squeezed orange juice. The skin and pulp in oranges do have considerable health benefits, but you can get most of the most unusual nutrients and beneficial components out of orange juice in this way.

Avoid frozen orange juice, canned orange juice, or concentrate, because with all of the processing, you lose a considerable amount of the natural goodness, and producers often turn to adding chemicals to the juice to replenish some of the lost nutritive value. Go natural and make sure you are getting all of the benefits of this miraculous and delicious fruit juice!

Nutritional Value & Calories

All of the impressive health benefits of orange juice can be attributed to its nutritive content, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, folate, potassium, fiber, proteins, copper, magnesium, flavonoids, hesperidin, and a variety of other trace vitamins and minerals that make it one of the most valuable and nutrient-packed fruit available. In terms of calories, orange juice has 47 calories in a serving of 100ml. Let’s explore the health benefits of this fruit juice in more detail below.

orange fruit juice

Health Benefits Of Orange Juice

Immune System: Oranges and orange juice have long been known as a powerhouse of healing properties, and one of the richest sources of vitamin-C that you can add to a diet. A single service of orange juice has more than 200% of the vitamin C requirement of the body. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, functions as a primary antioxidant in the body, and it destroys or neutralizes free radicals before they can do damage to the body’s systems. Our bodies need vitamin C to stimulate other aspects of our immune system as well. Furthermore, ascorbic acid is one of the fundamental components of collagen, which is necessary to repair cells and for the growth of new tissues in the body.

Cancer Prevention: As mentioned, vitamin C works as an antioxidant, and one of the most important functions of antioxidants is to prevent cancer. Antioxidants keep the DNA of healthy cells from mutating into cancerous cells, so antioxidants like vitamin C are the first line of defense for cancer and other serious diseases. Along with vitamin C, orange juice also contains the antioxidant hesperidin, which has been connected to reducing tumor growth and even stimulating apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancerous cells. Although research is ongoing, it has positively been linked to colon cancer prevention, but it is likely that hesperidin is effective in terms of many types of cancer.

Detoxifying Properties: Along with vitamin C, orange juice is also very high in vitamin A, which acts as a moderate antioxidant. Beyond that, it detoxifies the body by increasing the function of the kidneys. Vitamin A has long been connected to eye health, and adding enough vitamin A to your diet can also boost your ability to see at night, as well as macular degeneration. A single cup serving of orange juice has nearly 50% of the daily required intake of that precious vitamin.

Blood Circulation and Creation: There is another very powerful aspect of oranges and orange juice, its folate content. Folate is a member of the B complex, technically it is vitamin B9. This important vitamin is essential in the creation of DNA and the growth of new cells. Folate also keeps cells safe from mutation, which is one of the ways that free radicals damage the body. Furthermore, folate plays a role in building new red blood cells, as well as stimulating the flow of blood to the extremities. This means that the organ systems are well-oxygenated and are working at full capacity. This supports the overall metabolism of the body and the functioning of all the systems, making them more efficient.

Inflammation: Citrus fruits are commonly considered anti-inflammatory agents, and orange juice is no exception. High sugar and high fat meals can lead to inflammation of various body parts, and this, in turn, can lead to the development of increased insulin resistance. This is one of the major underlying causes of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that orange juice can inhibit this insulin resistance by reducing inflammation, thereby protecting the heart and guaranteeing overall cardiovascular protection. Also, being able to reduce the chances of developing diabetes is a major bonus of this property of orange juice.

Blood Pressure: As mentioned earlier, hesperidin is an antioxidant, which means that it protects the body against disease and cancer, but this water-soluble plant compound also impacts the activity and functioning of small blood vessels. This can have a major impact on blood pressure as a whole, and research has connected this powerful antioxidant to a reduction in overall blood pressure and a decreased chance of cardiovascular diseases.

Cholesterol Balance: High cholesterol is one of the most dangerous causes of cardiovascular disease, so any way to reduce the cholesterol in your body is worth trying. Orange juice has been shown to reduce the presence and effects of “bad” cholesterol, why increasing the amount of “good” cholesterol in the body. This is a relatively recent advance in the study of citrus fruits, so while the exact mechanism behind this advantageous property is unknown, a great deal of research is being done to figure it out! This property means that the chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes were reduced.

Health Benefits Of Avocado

The health benefits of avocado include weight management, protection from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, treating osteoarthritis and enhancing the absorption of nutrients for the body. It also reduces the risk of cancer, liver damage and Vitamin K deficiency-related bleeding. Avocado helps in keeping eyes healthy and  protecting the skin from signs of aging and the harmful effects of UV rays. It also helps in maintaining blood sugar levels and has antioxidant properties. It even helps to increase circulation, boost cognitive abilities, and build stronger bones!

According to a recent research study, avocado seeds are used for the treatment of diabetes, inflammatory conditions, and hypertension, as well as for improving hypercholesterolemia. Another research study shows that consumption of avocado leads to improved diet quality and nutrient intake, including a lowered risk of metabolic syndrome.

Avocado has a high fatty acid content but contains extremely low levels of cholesterol. Many people tend to stop eating avocado due to its high calorie content, thinking that it may add to their weight. However, the amount of calories is very small when compared to butter, and other high calorie dietary items. Also, much of the fat content comes from unique sources, like phytosterols, which are beneficial for a number of reasons. This article discusses the various health benefits of avocado and its nutritional content, but first, let’s learn a bit more about this valuable and beneficial fruit.

Avocados are also known as Alligator Pears, which is mainly due to its shape and the leathery appearance of its skin. It is a fruit that is grown on Persea Americana, which is an evergreen tree from the Lauraceae family. Although it doesn’t resemble these relatives, avocados are closely related to cinnamon and bay laurel. It is usually tall and can grow up to a height of 65 feet. The approximate weight of avocados is between eight ounces and three pounds, depending on the variety of avocado. It is harvested early and then allowed to ripen gradually when it is sold commercially. This is why avocados are called climacteric fruits, which only ripen after harvesting, just like bananas.

Avocados are available in many varieties, but the most popular of all is the creamy Hass variety. Avocado trees grow well in tropical, sub-tropical and equatorial areas, but like so many other fruits, the cultivation of avocados is the easiest in the Mediterranean climate. That being said, avocados originated in the state of Puebla, Mexico, where evidence in caves dates back to at least 10,000 B.C. Ancient Central American and South American cultures were known to use avocados that had grown wild, but it is unclear if cultivation began until the last few thousand years. It only appeared in other parts of the world in the last 500 years, but has quickly gained popularity for its unique appearance, taste, and apparent health benefits.

Due to its various health benefits, this fruit is now grown in number of countries. It has a very thick skin that protects it from pesticides. This is the reason you don’t need to buy organic avocados. It is one of the safest crops in terms of its low exposure to pesticides.

avocado fruit

It is usually eaten raw, as a dessert whip, or in the form of salads with little pepper and salt. The most popular use of avocados in many western countries is in the form of guacamole, a traditional Mexican and Central American dip that is also good as a topping on hamburgers and sandwiches. Also, you may use avocado as a replacement for fat content (butter or oil) while baking or just as a replacement to mayonnaise in sandwiches. In that case you add the same amount of avocado as any other fat. This is a way to reduce your unhealthy calories intake. For instance, 3.5oz avocados contain 14.66g fat. Whereas same amount of butter contains 81g fat. Therefore, avocados can be substituted for butter while baking, so you can cut down on the calories and still have a delicious treat!

Nutritional Value Of Avocados

Avocados are considered a “Super Food” and have a special position in the food calorie pyramid. Avocados are rich in various nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Avocados are also a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids, and they have a low sugar content.  They are a good source of energy and contain a number of essential vitamins and minerals. Avocados contain calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. They also contain minerals such as vitamin C, B6, B-12, A, D, K, E, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. Furthermore, they are a great source of dietary fiber, and a single serving can provide more than 40% of the daily requirement!

Avocados are rich in potassium and successfully balances the potassium to sodium ratio which is vitally important to overall health. According to CAC (California Avocado commission), a medium-sized Hass avocado contains almost 22.5 grams fat. Two-thirds of this fat is of the monounsaturated variety, and they are also very low in fructose. Perhaps most importantly, avocados have a unique collection of organic compounds like phytosterols, carotenoids, flavonoids,

Health Benefits Of Avocados

Avocados have many health benefits. They are packed with nutrients and are therefore considered as one of the best foods you can eat. Avocados are most beneficial when eaten raw. Many of the most well-researched and important health benefits of avocados are as follows:

Good Digestion: It is believed that avocados are soothing for the intestine and therefore aid in digestion. They contain soluble and insoluble fibers that help to keep digestive system running smoothly. These two types of fiber are very important for digestion, because they bulk up stools and help to ensure the smooth passage of food through the intestinal tract. Furthermore, they stimulate gastric and digestive juices so nutrients are absorbed in the most efficient and rapid way. Finally, they reduce the symptoms from conditions like constipation and diarrhea. All in all, the huge amount of fiber found in avocados (40% of daily requirement per serving) makes this a very important food for optimizing your digestive health.

Dental Care: Consumption of avocados also helps in preventing bad breath, which is primarily caused due to indigestion or an upset stomach. Halitosis can be eliminated by improving digestive health, and the antibacterial and antioxidant flavonoids found in avocados also kill the bacteria in your mouth that can result in bad breath as well. Avocados have also been connected with preventing oral cancers!

Skin and Hair Care: Avocados are packed with nutrients that are beneficial for maintaining healthy skin. It enriches skin that is dry, chapped or damaged.  They are added to a variety of cosmetics due to their ability to nourish the skin with essential vitamins and make it glow. It is also used for nourishing dry and damaged hair. Many people use avocados to prepare skin and hair masks. Above all, avocado oil helps in treating plaque psoriasis. Beta-carotene and lycopene are two of the organic compounds found in large quantities within avocados. Both of these have been connected to improving the health and tone of your skin and eliminating signs of premature aging.

Liver care:Avocados are very good at reducing liver damage. It has certain organic compounds that help in improving liver health. Liver damage is normally caused due to Hepatitis C. Findings of a recent research study suggest that avocados may play a major role in toning up and protecting your liver from a wide variety of conditions.

Healthy Eyes:Avocados help to keep your eyes healthy. They contain carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which help to protect your eyes against cataracts, eye diseases related to age, and macular degeneration. Those conditions are often caused by free radicals that accumulate in the tissues of the eyes. The antioxidant activity of those special carotenoids neutralize the effects of those dangerous free radicals.

Healthy Heart:The health benefits of avocados include a healthier heart. Beta-sitosterol, which is found in avocados, helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Research studies suggest that the intake of avocado may enhance antiatherogenic properties of HDL cholesterol, which helps in protecting your heart from atherosclerosis, also known as arteriosclerotic vascular disease. The significant levels of potassium also make avocados a powerful fruit in the fight against hypertension. Potassium is a vasodilator, which relaxes the tension of blood vessels and arteries, thereby reducing the chances of clotting, heart attacks, and strokes.

Kidney Health: Your diet plays a very important role in maintaining the balance of minerals and fluids in those who suffer from chronic kidney disorders. Potassium is one of the minerals that helps in maintaining a normal heart rate. Avocados are a good source of potassium and their inclusion in your diet may provide other benefits as well. It is important to make sure that potassium levels are not too high as that can also be dangerous for the heart. Potassium is a key aspect of maintaining fluid balance through chemical channels for cells and organs. This balance of fluid is also vital for the functioning of the kidney, which handles the movement of fluid and toxins through the body.

Vitamin K Deficiency: A vitamin K deficiency is not very common, but is frequently seen in neonatal care. It may lead to a bleeding disorder known as vitamin K deficiency-related bleeding (VKDB). This occurs mostly due to an insufficient intake of vitamin K during pregnancy. Inclusion of avocado in the diet of a pregnant woman may help in lowering risk of VKDB in the newborn child, since avocados are one of the rare fruits that have a very high amount of vitamin K (almost 40% of the daily requirement in a single serving!)

Morning Sickness: During pregnancy, morning sickness is very common. Avocados help to overcome nausea and queasiness during pregnancy since it contains vitamin B6, which is commonly connected to reducing nausea and vomiting.

Arthritis: The anti-inflammatory properties of avocados are perhaps its most valuable attribute, and between the wide range of phytochemicals, flavonoids, carotenoids, phytosterols, fatty alcohols, and omega-3 fatty acids, avocados are one of the best foods for reducing the inflammation in tissues, joints, and muscles. Arthritis affects tens of millions of people around the world, and by consuming a proper amount of avocados, studies have frequently shown the symptoms and associated pain of arthritis can be efficiently reduced!

Anti-Cancer Properties: Health benefits of avocados include a lower risk of cancers, including breast cancer and prostate cancer. Avocado containss carotenoids and monounsaturated fat, which both contribute to the significant reduction of cancer. Avocado also contains Glutathione, an antioxidant that protects the cells from cancer and the dangerous effects of free radicals. The list of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in avocados is impressive, and it is almost difficult to determine which one has the largest impact. Studies have been widely done on oral, skin, and prostate cancers, and the results show that instead of metastasizing, the organic compounds in avocados cause cancerous cells to undergo apoptosis (automatic cell death). Research is ongoing in terms of avocado and cancer.

Antioxidant Properties: Avocado contains both vitamin C and E, which help to enhance antioxidant properties of the human body. Vitamin C recycles vitamin E and helps to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Avocado also contains antioxidants like epicatechin, violaxanthin, neochrome, and about a dozen others. Antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals, which are the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism. They are responsible for dozens of serious conditions in the body, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, vision problems, premature aging, cognitive disorders, and many more.

Healthy Skin: Avocados contain many vitamins and minerals that help in maintaining healthy skin. Carotenoids found in avocados are associated with reducing UV-induced inflammation of the skin due to exposure to sun. Oil made from avocado helps in protecting the skin against sunburn damage. The high levels of beta-carotene in avocados can be enzymatically split into provitamin A, which has long been connected to protecting the skin from a variety of conditions and the damaging effects of the sun.

Weight Management: Regular exercise, along with a healthy diet, is very important in weight management. Avocados are fruits that provide nutritional value to the body and support weight control. Findings of a recent study suggest a number of beneficial effects of avocado on weight management.

Anti-Aging: Consuming avocados is also associated with healthy aging. It contains compounds such as xanthophyll, which have antioxidant properties. Research studies suggest that an intake of xanthophyll may decrease signs of the aging process on various parts of your body.

Bone Health: Avocados contain carotenoids such as zeaxanthin and lutein, which are associated with a reduced risk of cartilage defects (symptom of osteoarthritis). Intake of foods such as avocado and soy may help in reducing the risk of osteoarthritis. Furthermore, the levels of essential minerals in avocados are significant, including zinc, phosphorous, copper, and trace amounts of calcium and selenium. All of these are connected to lowered risks of osteoporosis and improvements in bone mineral density.

Nutrient Absorption:Avocados are best eaten along with other fruits and vegetables. This is due to the fact that nutrients present in fruits and vegetables get enhanced when eaten along with avocados. The absorption of carotenoid antioxidant molecules, which helps to protect the body against free radical damage, increases three to five times when a salad is eaten along with avocado. Therefore, adding sliced avocado to mixed salad is a good way to make a healthy meal even better. This makes avocado a great element as an appetizer since it prepares the digestive tract to function at its highest level during the meal to come!

Blood Glucose Levels: Apart from the fruit, the leaf extracts of avocados also provide health benefits. A study conducted on non-diabetic and diabetic rats suggest that the leaf extracts may help in lowering blood glucose levels. For diabetic patients, the metabolism of starch-based foods into simple sugars like glucose can cause the spikes and plunges that are so dangerous for diabetics. Fiber helps to slow the breakdown of food into usable sugars, so it is absorbed by the body in a more balanced way. Furthermore, the majority of carbohydrates in avocados are made up of 7-carbon sugars, a relatively rare form of sugar that actually inhibit the enzyme hexokinase. This helps avocados control the way that glucose is metabolized by the body, thereby protecting the overall health of diabetic patients.

10 health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice

Getting all those seeds out of a pomegranate may seem like a lot of work, but it is worth it when you consider the many health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate fruit was first discovered in Persia. It can be traced in historical documents as far back as 4,000 BC. Today, people around the world consume the fruit, and in recent years the pomegranate has become known for its high nutrient and antioxidant content.

For those who might not be as familiar with the pomegranate, it’s a round, red fruit with a tough outer layer. There are small, edible seeds inside that you can eat or make juice with. Fresh pomegranates are generally available in grocery stores from September through January.

Pomegranate juice

Health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice

Pomegranates are a source of fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. Nutritionists estimate that a single pomegranate supplies one-quarter of a day’s worth of folate. This is a B vitamin that we need to synthesize and help repair our DNA. They say the fruit also supplies one-third of our daily vitamin C.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice.

  1. Blood pressure: With blood pressure being one of the leading causes of heart attack and stroke, studies show that pomegranate juice nutrition is beneficial for those who suffer from hypertension. In one study, hypertensive participants experienced significant blood pressure reduction after consuming just 150 ml, that’s five ounces, of pomegranate juice daily for two weeks.
  1. Arthritis and joint pain: Although human studies still need to confirm the benefits, laboratory tests show that pomegranate extract can block enzymes that are known to cause damage to joints, especially the type of damage people with osteoarthritis experience. Many nutritional and medical experts say it makes sense since research also shows that some of the plant compounds found in the pomegranate have anti-inflammatory effects – and arthritis is an inflammatory disease.
  1. Heart disease: The main fatty acid in pomegranate juice is called punicic acid. Research indicates that it may help protect against heart disease. In a small study that involved people suffering from high cholesterol and triglycerides, 800 mg of pomegranate seed oil per day for four weeks was shown to lower triglycerides significantly and improve the triglyceride: HDL ratio. Another study showed significant reduction in LDL cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol when pomegranate juice was consumed.
  1. Memory: In a study involving surgical patients, two grams of pomegranate extract actually prevented memory deficit after the surgery. In another study involving 28 elderly people who suffered from memory problems, approximately 237 ml or eight ounces of pomegranate juice daily seemed to improve both visual and verbal memory. Animal studies also suggest that pomegranate may be able to help fight Alzheimer’s disease.
  1. Erectile dysfunction: More investigation is required, but research so far has shown that pomegranate juice increases blood flow and erectile response in rabbits. In a small study involving just over 50 men with erectile dysfunction, pomegranate juice appeared to have some benefit, but again much larger studies will need to be conducted to confirm the benefit in relation to erectile dysfunction.
  1. Anti-inflammatory effects: Inflammation is the catalyst for many fatal diseases. Research suggests that pomegranate contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation activity in the digestive tract. Studies also show that inflammatory activity in breast cancer and colon cancer cells may be impacted by the potent properties in pomegranate.
  1. Bacterial and fungal infections: Pomegranates and pomegranate juice have been known to benefit some types of bacteria and the yeast called Candida albicans. Some holistic experts believe the antibacterial and antifungal effects can protect us against mouth infections and inflammation, such as gingivitis.
  1. Exercise: There are pomegranate juice benefits for weight loss. Since the fruit is rich in dietary nitrates, which improves exercise performance, it encourages endurance, thus enabling some people to lose unwanted pounds. In one study, a group of athletes running on a treadmill were able to significantly enhance their blood flow and increase their exercise efficiency with just one gram of pomegranate extract taken 30 minutes before their run.
  1. Diabetes: Research shows that pomegranate juice benefits diabetes. A number of studies on the relationship between the bright red fruit and diabetes have been conducted. One study at the Jordon University of Science and Technology showed that a dose of pomegranate juice of 1.5 ml per kg of body weight was linked to a reduction in fasting glucose levels in type 2 diabetics. Reports published by the U.S National Library of Medicine suggest that antioxidants play a large role in how pomegranates help those with diabetes.
  1. Skin: For some time now, many beauticians have been saying pomegranate juice benefits skin. They might be right. A study published in Experimental Dermatology indicates that pomegranate juice can help protect skin from UVB damage, thanks to its antioxidant properties. Furthermore, some suspect pomegranate juice benefits acne. Since the fruit is rich in anthocyanins and hydrolysable tannins (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties), it protects the body from free radicals that can disrupt cell function. Our skin is exposed to free radicals such as pollution, food additives, pesticides, and cigarette smoke on a regular basis.

What Are the Benefits of Coconut Water for the Skin?

coconut water drink

A little sweet and a little salty, coconut water is a native drink to the Pacific islands. Not to be confused with coconut milk, which is made from coconut meat, coconut water is the juice from a young green coconut. While there is no direct connection between coconut water and skin, the water contains nutrients that are important for healthy skin.

Hydration for Healthy Skin

Every organ in your body, including skin, requires water to function properly. While water is always the preferred choice for hydration, according to Clemson Cooperative Extension, the occasional glass of coconut water is a healthy option for hydration, especially for those who need flavor in their beverages. Coconut water is low in calories, with 44 calories per 1-cup serving, and a source of the essential nutrients vitamin C, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Drinking more fluids such as coconut water may not make your skin more radiant and glowing, says the University of Wisconsin-Madison, but it keeps it healthy.

Nutrients for Energy and Structure

Carbohydrates, which your body turns into glucose through digestion and metabolism, is an important nutrient for skin health. Most of the calories in coconut water come from carbohydrates, with 10 grams in a 1-cup serving. Glucose from drinks such as coconut water is the primary source of energy for your skin, which uses as much glucose as your skeletal muscles, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Glucose is also an important component of skin cells. Not getting enough carbs in your diet may affect skin structure and appearance..

Vitamin C for Elasticity and Protection

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for skin health. One cup of coconut water contains 24 milligrams of vitamin C, meeting 40 percent of the daily value for this vitamin. You need adequate intake of vitamin C to make collagen, a structural protein that gives your skin firmness and elasticity and is also important for wound healing. As an antioxidant, the vitamin C in coconut water may also protect your skin against damage from the sun. Additionally, getting more vitamin C in your diet may help prevent dry skin.

Healthier Than Fruit Juice

While coconut water contains nutrients that are good for your skin, it is not a cure-all. As a beverage, it makes a healthier choice than fruit juice, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, because it is lower in calories and a better source of potassium. Drink unflavored coconut water to keep calories low and nutritional benefits up.

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