10 health benefits of drinking orange juice

orange juice

Orange juice is a popular morning time beverage, as it’s not only refreshing but offers much nutritional value, too. Oranges and orange juice are a great snacking option because they are low in calories and packed with nutrients that offer countless health benefits.

Oranges contain over 170 different phytochemicals and over 60 flavonoids, which are known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. So how exactly do these phytochemicals and flavonoids benefit you? Well, the list below will definitely make you consider consuming more oranges and orange juice on a regular basis.

Health benefits of drinking orange juice

#1 Source of vitamin C

You may be familiar with the benefits of vitamin C to ward off a cold, but vitamin C is much more important than just that. Vitamin C is best absorbed by the body through food and beverage form, as it cannot be synthesized by the human body. Two glasses of orange juice a day can increase vitamin C concentration within your body by 40 to 64 percent.

Vitamin C is beneficial as it helps fight off free radicals that can contribute to early aging and helps the absorption of other essential nutrients as well, including iron and calcium.

#2 Immune system boost

To continue our discussion of vitamin C, orange juice and its nutritional content help boost the immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps provide the immune system with a much needed boost, all the while fighting off free radicals that can damage the immune system lowering its ability to tackle the illness.

#3 Source of fiber

When you think of fiber, you probably think of grains, but believe it or not orange juice comes with a high fiber content, which is useful for bowel regularity and cholesterol levels.

One large orange contains 18 percent of your daily recommended fiber intake.

#4 Prevention of kidney stones

Kidney stones are well known for being a highly painful condition, so if you want to ward them off, it’s best that you get sipping on some orange juice. Orange juice contains citric acid and citrates, which are believed to help reduce the risk of kidney stones. Furthermore, potassium citrate is often prescribed to kidney stone patients as treatment and the citrates found in oranges have been found to have similar effects.

#5 Improved blood circulation

Our muscles, organs, and basically everything in our bodies require a blood supply in order to function properly. But if blood isn’t circulating, then our internal parts can’t receive the nourishment they need.

Oranges have a high folate count, which is necessary for the creation of DNA and new cell growth. Folate also protects cells from damage and mutation and wards off free radicals.

Folate is also necessary in the formation of new red blood cells, along with stimulating blood flow to extremities. So if you have cold hands and feet, consuming more orange juice may be a simple fix.

#6 Reduced inflammation

Normally, inflammation is the body’s response to stimuli as a form of protection, but inflammation has a negative side as well, which can lead to pain and other complications. Citrus fruits in general have been hailed as anti-inflammatory agents and consuming citrus can help ward off metabolic syndrome that can lead to complications such as type 2 diabetes.

Orange juice can help reduce inflammation all the while protecting the heart – which can save you from chronic conditions.

#7 Balanced blood pressure

There are many components to lowering blood pressure. Reducing salt is one of them. Another way to lower blood pressure is to increase potassium intake – found in abundance in orange juice.

Other studies have shown that components found in orange juice can help activate small blood vessels, helping reduce overall blood pressure, along with reducing the risk of cardiovascular events, too.

#8 Improved cholesterol

We briefly mentioned that orange juice’s fiber content can help aid with cholesterol, but there is another mechanism in oranges at work – still not fully understood – that has been shown to help improve cholesterol numbers. What we do know is, cholesterol levels can have a large impact on heart health and overall health, so until science truly figures out the why and how, it’s safe to say that consuming orange juice in the meantime is a good daily practice to control your cholesterol.

#9 Radiant skin

Orange juice is packed with antioxidants – this so far has been made quite clear – and these antioxidants can also leave you with radiant skin. Antioxidants fight off free radicals, and those found in orange juice can protect your skin from sun damage and pollution, prevent wrinkles, and improve overall skin texture.

Additionally, vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen, which gives our skin that youthful look. Therefore, drink up for some beautiful-looking skin!

#10 Improved heart health

We already mentioned quite a bit of heart health benefits of orange juice, including boosting blood circulation, lowering cholesterol, and improving blood pressure. It is important to keep all of these factors at healthy levels as they can affect your heart health. Unmanaged cholesterol and blood pressure put added stress on the heart, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and other cardiac events.

Oranges have all the right ingredients to help protect your heart overall.

Guavas are good for you


This inexpensive and humble food is regarded as one of the 'superfoods' nature has blessed us with. It has numerous health benefits

This tropical fruit, known as 'peru' locally, is easily available. And because they are quite cheap in terms of cost, everyone can afford them.

Guavas are sold in varying degrees of ripeness. However, it's best to quickly eat them within two days of getting ripe. You'll be surprised to know that this fruit, that we often take for granted, has so many health benefits. Read on to find out more:

- Guavas are beneficial in regulating blood pressure. It is said that one guava contains almost a similar amount of potassium that's present in bananas. Potassium reverses the effects of sodium, thereby regulating the balance of blood pressure. Also, it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood by preventing it from thickening.

- Consumption of guavas helps slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood. It is rich in fibre and is helpful for diabetic individuals. Also, studies have shown that a diet that is high in fibre (5.4 gm per 100 gm of fruit) is linked to a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Individuals suffering from constipation problems, too, can benefit form the high fibre content.

- Did you know that guavas contain four times more Vitamin C than oranges? Vitamin C contains antioxidant properties that protect cells from the damage of free radicals and is useful in lowering the risk of cancer.

- Even though guavas don't contain iodine, they are still beneficial in promoting healthy thyroid function, because it contains copper, which aids the production and absorption of hormones.

- Guavas are a good source of manganese that acts as an enzyme activator utilising nutrients like thiamine, biotin and ascorbic acid.

- If you want to optimise your brian function, turn to this fruit. Guavas are rich in the B group of vitamins. Niacin, better known as Vitamin B3, promotes blood circulation, thereby stimulating brain function. Vitamin B6, that is pyridoxine, helps in brain and nerve function.

- Women with fertility problems can eat guavas as they contain a good amounts of folate, which contain fertility-promoting properties.

- Eye problems can be kept at bay as guavas contain an abundance of Vitamin A that helps in improving vision.

- Guava is good for the skin, too. Because of its Vitamin E content, astringent properties and antioxidants, the skin is nourished. Skin ailments like scurvy can be dealt with due to the high Vitamin C content in guavas.

- Pink guavas are said to contain twice the amount of lycopene present in tomatoes. Lycopene protects the skin from being damaged by UV rays and also works against prostate cancer.

- Even the leaves of guava have medicinal properties. The juice of the leaves is said to provide relief from cold and cough by reducing the formation of mucus, disinfecting the respiratory tract and preventing bacterial activity in the throat due to its astringent properties.

9 Best Health Benefits and Uses of Drinking Pomegranate Juice

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Pomegranate is considered as the ‘Nature’s Power Fruit’. Pomegranate juice has refreshing health and medicinal properties and is being used since the ancient times. Pomegranate is full of nutrients and regarded as symbol of health and wellness. Pomegranate is one of the few fruits whose entire body parts like fruits, leaf, seeds, bark, stem and root.

Pomegranate fights cancer

In a recent study, it has been confirmed that pomegranate juice helps to destroy breast cancer cells. Regular taking of Pomegranate juice also lower the risk of prostate cancer. Pomegranate is rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which act against free radicals and prevent from cancer causing free-radicals. It not only prevents from breast cancer and prostate cancer but also colon cancer and leukemia. Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice is beneficial in case of lung cancer too. Elagic acid in pomegranate is also a self destroying agent for cancer cells.

Pomegranate juice for heart disease

Natural pomegranates are full of anti-oxidants. These antioxidants prevent hardening of arteries. Pomegranate seeds checks sticking of blood platelets thus discourage formation of blood clots. In a new research, it has also been confirmed that taking pomegranate juice increases the level of oxygen in the heart. Pomegranate is described as miracle fruit and show many health and medicinal benefits due to the presence of flavonoids and polyhenols; these photo-chemicals help to reduce the risk of for coronary and heart disease, heart attack and strokes. Punicalagins, a chemical compounds found in pomegranates, is beneficial for heart and blood vessels. Pomegranate also makes blood thinner thus ensure proper blood circulation.

Pomegranate seeds  for skin cancer

The fibrous components of pomegranate come from seeds. The fresh seeds are delicious and acidic in nature. Pomegranate seeds are used with salads to enrich its taste and nutrients value. As far as beneficial aspects are concerned, both the juice and seeds are equally beneficial. A recent study has also concluded that pomegranate seeds stimulated the production of collagen that strengthens the skin. Some studies has shown when the extract of seeds are applied over skin, reduces the chances of skin cancer. It is one of the finest healing products that help to heal wound and manage infections.

For some people, these seeds may also cause diverticuli of the bowel which may lead to pain.

Diarrhea treatment by pomegranate

Pomegranate is a very useful fruit in treating of diarrhea and dysentery. The astringent property of its peel is very helpful in diseases like diarrhea, bleeding and dysentery. Pomegranate peel is also used in case of intestinal inflammation, piles and hemorrhoids.

Ingredients Use to Cure Diarrhea

  • Pomegranate Peel: 1/2 cup
  • Cumin Seeds: 1 tsp
  • Buttermilk: 1/2 cup

First of all, the peel of pomegranate should be soaked in water for about 30-40 minutes. Now, mix all the ingredients and grind them well. Salt may also be added for taste. One can take 1/4 cup of this mix twice or thrice a day to get relief from Diarrhea and Dysentery.

Pomegranate Juice for arthritis treatment

For arthritis treatment and management, pomegranate can be taken as an important arthritis diet.  Studies have also shown that pomegranate juice helps to prevent the onset of cartilage deterioration thereby keep osteoarthritis at bay. Therefore, it is recommended that regular drinking of one glass of pomegranate juice or eating of one piece daily, greatly helps in cartilage protection.

Pomegranate treats alzheimer ’s disease

Pomegranate can play an important role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. It enhances the body’s immune system thus acts against diseases like Alzheimer. In a recent study, pomegranate juice has been given to mice, it is reported that the mice experienced less amyloid plaque accumulation and performed brain function better. The presence of vitamin B, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin in pomegranate juice also slow down the degeneration of brain cells.

Pomegranate juice as pregnancy diet

During Pregnancy, the expectant mother requires more energy on daily basis. It is better to furnish these extra calories from pomegranate juice as this juice is pleasant, delicious and the juiciest along with adequate calories.  Pomegranate juice also contains many nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, iron, folic acid, folate and protein that are needed during pregnancy.  These nutrients also help for healthy development of babies.  A study published in “American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism” show that drinking of juice helps to reduce the risk of placenta injury. The high level of antioxidants also prevents placenta from free radicals. The phyto-chemical in pomegranate helps to lower blood pressure. The immunity is increased by vitamin C present in the juice.

Nutritional values of pomegranate (100 grams)

Nutritionally, pomegranate is one of the important fruits that are endowed with no fat, low sugar, satisfactorily calorie, fibre, vitamin and other minerals. In 100 grams of pomegranate, the nutritional facts are: Fat (0.3 gram), Fibre (0.6 gm), Sugar (16.57 gm), Carbohydrate (17.17 gm),  Energy (70 K cal), Niacin (0.3mg), Riboflavin (0.063 mg), Thiamine (0.03 mg), Protein (0.95 gm), Iron (0.3 mg), Calcium (3 mg), vitamin C (6.1 mg), Folate (6mg), Vitamin B6 (0.105 mg), Vitamin B5 (0.596 mg), Zinc (0.12 mg), Potassium (259 mg), Phosphorous (8 mg) and Magnesium (3 mg).

Dental care through pomegranate juice

If you are drinking pomegranate juice, it means you are protecting your teeth naturally from decaying. Pomegranate juice has anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects thus prevent from dental plaque. Bad breath (halitosis) can be prevented when powdered pomegranate peel is taken with water twice a day. Gum related diseases such as gum swollen; bleeding of gun are reduced after massaging gum from peel powered of pomegranate. Dental caries can also be prevented when peel pomegranate powdered is applied as toothpaste along with grinded black pepper.

What Vitamins Do Mangoes Have?

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Mangoes are grown in tropical climates. In the U.S., mangoes can be found in the grocery store throughout the year because shipments come in from a number of different countries in South America and the Caribbean, according to the National Mango Board. A 1-cup serving of mango contains about 100 calories and some vitamin C, calcium, vitamin E and vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for humans, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. It is a water-soluble vitamin and must be consumed regularly because it is not stored in the body. Vitamin C is needed for normal growth and development and for the synthesis of collagen, a protein found in skin, tendons and ligaments. Vitamin C is also an important antioxidant protecting cells from free radical damage. As an antioxidant, vitamin C may help protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Adult men need 90 mg of vitamin C a day and adult women need 75 mg. A 1-cup serving of mango provides 45 mg.


Mangoes also contain folate, or vitamin B-9. This vitamin plays an important role in helping your body produce proteins and DNA -- the building blocks of newborn cells. For this reason, getting enough folate is especially important for expectant mothers, because they need to meet the needs of the developing baby's rapidly-dividing cells. A cup of mango provides 71 micrograms of folate, or 18 percent of the folate you need each day.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It helps immune function and is an important antioxidant. Most Americans do not get enough vitamin E in their diet, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Adults need 15 mg of vitamin E a day. A 1-cup serving of mango provides 1.85 mg.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for vision, bone growth and reproduction. It also plays a role in cell division and differentiation, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Vitamin A deficiencies are rarely seen in the United States, but poor vitamin A intakes can lead to night blindness and a decreased ability to fight infections. Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, according to the National Mango Board. A 1-cup serving of mango provides 63 mcg RAE, or Retinol Active Equivalents accounting for the biologically active vitamin A as a retinol or a carotenoid. Adult men need 900 mcg RAE of vitamin A per day and adult women need 700 mcg RAE.

Aloe Vera Gel Vs. Juice

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The lily of the desert, the aloe vera plant, is a plant with topical and oral value. Both the gel and the juice are beneficial, but come from different parts of the plant and have specific and vastly different uses. Talk to a trusted health care adviser before using aloe vera as an oral or topical medicine.

Aloe Vera Gel

The central portion of aloe vera leaves contains a clear gel that is often used as a topical ointment. The gel makes a skin-soothing salve for sunburns and is a remedy for minor cuts and burns as well. In fact, the University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC, reports that active compounds in aloe vera gel known as glycoproteins and polysaccharides may reduce pain and inflammation while stimulating skin growth and healing. Other uses for aloe vera gel include treating psoriasis and genital herpes.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice is derived from the outer parts of the leaf and is consumed orally as a health tonic. The same skin-healing substances that exist in the gel are present in the juice and have immune-system enhancing effects.The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports that aloe vera juice is used to treat asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and osteoarthritis. And while more research is needed to determine its effects as a diabetes treatment, the UMMC notes that preliminary evidence shows it has a blood-sugar lowering effect on type-2 diabetics. Additionally, the skin of the aloe leaf yields a bitter liquid that is a potent laxative.

Side Effects

As a laxative, aloe vera juice causes bothersome cramping and discomfort, which is why other herbal laxatives are preferred for this use. The juice may also interact with certain medications, such as diabetes drugs. Aloe vera gel is generally safe, and is not linked to any significant side effects. To avoid irritation, however, you should never apply the gel to open wounds.

Uses and Forms

Although aloe vera is a common ingredient in commercial skin-care products, you can purchase your own plant and extract the juice and gel by simply breaking the leaves to access the inner components. Other forms you might experiment with include capsules, tablets and creams, which are available over the counter at health food stores and pharmacies.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Aloe Vera?

aloe vera juice

Aloe vera is a plant that has been used historically in various traditional cultures for its health benefits, as well as its medicinal and skin care properties. However, the benefits of taking aloe vera internally have not been completely validated. Aloe leaves are made up of three layers, the innermost being a gel containing the plant's alleged beneficial properties. Today, the gel inside the aloe vera plant is used in skin care products, and it's also consumed in its raw natural form for its purported health benefits.

Nutritional Value

According to a 2008 article in the "Indian Journal of Dermatology," aloe vera gel contains vitamins A, C and E. These are antioxidants, meaning they protect you from free radicals that are responsible for aging and can cause cancer over time. The gel also contains vitamin B-12 and folate. It hosts an array of essential minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, chromium, sodium, copper, zinc and selenium. Its mineral content makes aloe vera beneficial for healthy cellular enzyme and metabolic activity. It also contains 20 amino acids, including 7 out of the 8 essential ones.


Aloe contains several anti-inflammatory compounds, including salicylic acid, C-glucosyl chromone and an enzyme called bradykinase. Meanwhile, aloe reduces the production of acid in the body, which also prevents inflammation. According to a study published in "Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics" in 2004, consuming aloe might prove helpful in treating inflammatory bowel disease. Another study from the same publication published in 2004 reported that aloe can also be helpful in mild to moderate cases of ulcerative colitis. In the study, aloe supplementation absolved or improved symptoms in 47 percent of cases, whereas only 14 percent of cases in the placebo group saw improvements.

Diabetes Prevention and Treatment

In a study published in the "Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin" in 2006, scientists tested the anti-hyperglycemic effect of five different compounds called phytosterols found in aloe vera gel on mice with Type 2 diabetes. After being administered the phytosterols for one month, the mice had reduced glucose levels. The researchers concluded aloe gel impacts blood glucose levels in the long term, which could be useful in treating Type 2 diabetes. The "Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal" in 2009 published a study that verified this conclusion. Researchers gave Type 2 diabetic patients aloe supplements daily. After four weeks, researchers noticed a significant reduction in triglycerides, and after six weeks the patients' glucose levels were reduced significantly.


The aloe plant's gel, which is in the largest, innermost layer of each leaf, is the safe and beneficial part of the plant to consume, but its skin and the yellow layer directly under it, called latex, is considered most likely unsafe. Aloe is not considered safe for pregnant and breast-feeding women or for children under 12, according to MedlinePlus. It has been associated with birth defects and miscarriage. Aloe can act as a laxative, so it should not be combined with any laxative medications, such as digoxin. Aloe vera juice consumption has been linked to kidney problems and liver injury, according to MedlinePlus. Although some studies show potential use of aloe in pharmacology, and it has some nutrients, it's probably not a food to consume regularly for health benefits.

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