10 Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Sabja Seeds (Basil Seeds) for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss

basil seed juice

Many of us in the modern times are not aware of the uses, nutritional facts and medicinal values of basil seeds. Whenever you get time, especially in the summer season, visit your grandmother place and ask her about the importance of Sabja seeds. She will tell you or make delicious basil seeds recipes. I also come across to one of the yummy Sabja seeds recipes when I visited to my dearest friend’s house in the scorching heat of June. It was none other than basil seeds Lemonade drink. How can I express the luscious taste of the drink? It was refreshing, succulent and tendency of filling the stomach. After quenching my thrust, I got to know the ingredients of this appetizing recipe from my friend’s mother. It was quite simple that can be made within 10-15 minutes by using cold water, lemon juice, sugar and Sabja seeds. I vow to try the recipe at my place. Since then, it is the regular drink at my home in the summer season.

Wonder benefits of basil seeds

As far as health benefits are concerned, the seeds are full of fiber and known for many surprising health benefits. These seeds are used in making falooda, sherbet, milkshakes and other popular health drinks. It is known worldwide as one of the ingredients for sweet Asian drinks. However, like Chia seeds, it is comparatively less tasty.

  1. Basil seeds for weight loss: Sabja seeds can be used for weight management purposes. It is full of fiber that makes your stomach full and don’t feel hunger to a certain period of time. After soaking into water, it has the ability to expand 30 times of its original sides thus reduces longing for eating more.
  2. Sabja seeds for hair: The seeds contain adequate amount of vitamin K, protein and iron. These nutrients are helpful to make your hair healthy and shining. So, it is suggested to include it in your daily diet requirements to skip embarrassment from hair loss and baldness.
  3. Basil seeds for healthy skin: The mix of Sabja seeds and coconut oil is effective to ward off many skin related diseases. Method: Take 100 ml of coconut oil and 1tsp of crush basil seeds. Now heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Strain and apply it over your skin to cure skin related problems like psoriasis, eczema, etc.
  1. Basil seeds for acidity: Acidity problems are very common these days due to faulty lifestyle and wrong dietary pattern. Sabja seeds are having cooling and soothing effects on the stomach. Method: Take milk (1 cup) and basil seeds (1tsp), stir it well and drink the same to reduce burning sensation in your stomach.
  2. Sabja seeds for diabetes treatment: The seeds are good in curing of diabetes type 2 by lowering down the sugar in blood. Method: Take soaked basil seeds (1tsp), toned milk (1 glass) and vanilla for flavor. It helps to give you energy sans sugar.
  3. Relieves constipation: The soaked Sabja seeds when eaten helps to cleanse the inner stomach. It ensures easy bowel movement and helps to flush out toxin from the stomach. It is also taken with milk before going to bed to ease constipation.
  4. Acts as coolant: These seeds are used to lower body heat that’s why as one of the important ingredients in summer for a number of cool drinks such as falooda, rooh afza, nimbu pani and sherbet.
  5. Nutritional values of basil seeds: The seeds contain many phyto-chemicals and polyphenolic flavonoids like Orientin, vicenin and other antioxidants. The leaves are rich in essential oils like eugenol, citronellol, limonene, citral and terpineol. It contains beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A and vitamin K. It also contains important minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, folates, and magnesium.
  6. Sabja Seeds recipes: Rooh afza, milkshake, Indian lemonade, paan gulkand milkshake, strawberry falooda, mango falooda, mango sherbet, rose milk recipe, nimbu panni, Shikanji, nannari sharbat, bel sharbat, etc. are some of the important healthy recipes of it
  7. Medicinal values: Medicinally, it can be used to treat digestion problems, cure constipation, removes skin infection, respiratory disorder, sore throats and stress relief

Top 10 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

hat chia seed 1

Chia seeds have been a staple in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. Today, they draw the interest of many people for their health benefits and uses in cooking. It turns out chia seeds are a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Chia seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds' lipid profile is composed of 60 percent omega-3s, making them one of the richest plant-based sources of these fatty acids -- specifically, of alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. The omega-3s in chia seeds can help reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive performance and reduce high cholesterol.


Fiber is associated with reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol and regulating bowel function. Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, with a whopping 10 grams in only 2 tablespoons. That is one-third of the daily recommended intake of fiber per day.


Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, aging and cancer. The high antioxidant profile also helps them have a long shelf life. They last almost two years without refrigeration.


Two tablespoons of chia seeds contain 18 percent of the DRI for calcium, 35 percent for phosphorus, 24 percent for magnesium and about 50 percent for manganese. These nutrients help you prevent hypertension and maintain a healthy weight, and are important for energy metabolism and a part of DNA synthesis.


Satiety is the feeling of being full and satisfied, which helps lower food cravings between meals. The combination of protein, fiber and the gelling action of chia seeds when mixed with liquids all contribute to their satiating effects.


Chia seeds contain no gluten or grains. Therefore, all of the nutritional benefits of chia seeds can be obtained on a gluten-free diet.

Egg Replacer

The outer layer of chia seeds swells when mixed with liquids to form a gel. This can used in place of eggs to lower cholesterol and increase the nutrient content of foods and baked goods. To make the egg replacement, mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water and let sit for 15 minutes.

Can Be Digested Whole

Unlike flaxseeds, which are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and minerals, chia seeds do not need to be ground in order to obtain their nutrient or egg- replacement benefits.


A study published in the "British Journal of Nutrition" showed that chia seeds as a dietary fat source can lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels while increasing HDL or "good" cholesterol. The study also found that when substituting chia seeds for other fat sources, such as corn oil, the ALA was able to prevent high triglyceride levels and reduce central obesity.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Chia seeds can play an important role in regulating insulin levels. They can reduce insulin resistance and decrease abnormally high levels of insulin in the blood.

Basil Seeds for Weight Loss

basil seed 2 

Sweet basil seeds have played a role in the traditional medicine practices of India and Iran for centuries to treat conditions including depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and metabolic imbalances. The tiny black seeds also have the potential to help with blood sugar stabilization and satiation -- the ability to feel full -- when you're trying to lose weight. Reliable, consistent evidence that sweet basil seeds are a weight-loss miracle, however, is scant. You may include them safely as part of a weight-loss plan that includes a healthy, low-calorie diet along with more physical activity, but don't expect the seeds to suddenly shrink your size.

Using Basil Seeds to Suppress the Appetite

Basil seeds have numerous names, including sabja seeds, tulsi, tukhamaria, takmaria, hairy basil seeds, holy basil seeds and Thai basil seeds. The weight-loss benefit of these seeds rests in their potential to suppress your appetite so you don't overeat at meals. Sweet basil seeds share the mucilaginous quality of chia seeds -- swelling to create a gel-like substance when mixed with liquid. This expanding ability and their high-fiber content are touted as weight-loss assets that fill you up without filling you out. 

Basil seeds also have very few calories and a mild flavor. Eat them mixed in a small amount of yogurt or water, and allow them to sit for 10 to 15 minutes so they swell up to 10 to 20 times their volume.

Impact of Basil Seeds on Weight Loss and Insulin Levels

No direct evidence exists to correlate weight loss and basil seeds. One small study conducted in 1992 showed that basil seeds consumed for 16 weeks before meals actually led to no change in body fat. You'll only lose weight using basil seeds if you make them part of a plan that involves reduced calories and exercise. Weight loss happens when you eat fewer calories than you burn daily. 

Basil seeds do potentially offer benefit in preventing weight gain in people with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms that precede the development of type 2 diabetes, or those with type 2 diabetes. Some research suggests that basil seeds also help moderate blood sugar levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes, which can help with hunger and inflammation. Animal studies have shown that consumption of basil seed extract may delay the development of insulin resistance and shows promise as a way to treat diabetic patients. Basil seeds' high fiber content likely slows digestion to prevent spikes in blood sugar, and subsequently the hormone insulin, following meals.

Weight-Loss Strategy

You can safely add basil seeds to your diet with little fear that they will interact with any medications or supplements you're taking. However, do not expect their addition alone to induce weight loss. You must create a calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories per day to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Use an online calculator to determine how many calories you burn daily according to your age, size, activity level and gender. Then, subtract the calories from that burn rate to determine how many you should cut from a balanced diet daily to drop pounds.

Eating fewer than 1,200 calories per day as a woman or 1,800 as a man can backfire, however. You risk stalling your metabolism and losing valuable muscle mass. If cutting 500 to 1,000 calories per day puts you at these low levels of intake, revise your weight-loss goal rate and become more active to achieve the desired weight-loss deficit.

Other Benefits of Basil Seeds

Basil seeds offer other potential benefits. The fiber helps fight constipation, for example. Ayurveda -- an ancient practice of Indian medicine -- uses basil seeds for their antimicrobial, antiseptic value.

Culinary enthusiasts seek out basil seeds for their slight floral taste and light crunch. You'll find them in recipes for Southeast Asian and Indian beverages, such as nam manglak -- a drink infused with rose water and honey. Basil seeds also appear in Indian desserts, such as falooda, a thick and sweet drink. These desserts and sweet drinks may not help you lose weight, but they could offer a filling, lower-calorie alternative to American soda, syrupy coffee drinks and milkshakes.

Top 6 Health Benefits of Walnut

Walnuts are a true nutritional powerhouse and one of nature’s healthiest foods.

Here’s how eating walnuts regularly can protect your heart, help you lose weight, provide protection against cancer and diabetes and even improve your brain and enhance the quality of your sleep.

Ahead are the top 6 walnut benefits and even more important reasons to eat nuts more often if you value your health and appearance.

walnut milk

1. Heart Health Benefits of Walnuts

The unique nutritional profile of walnuts provides some important benefits for a healthy heart. They are full of nutrients that are particularly beneficial in terms of improving the way your cardiovascular system functions and potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.

Some of the main walnut heart benefits include:

  • High levels of omega-3 alpha linolenic acid linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Vitamin E to prevent cholesterol oxidation within arteries, primarily in the superior gamma tocopherol form.
  • Antioxidant phenolic compounds like gallic and ellagic acid, as well as recently identified powerful tannins and other polyphenols that combat free radical damage.
  • Heart healthy minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium as well as a variety of trace minerals.
  • And good levels of the amino acid arginine that has been shown to help improve blood circulation in the body.

At 2009 study in the American Journal of Nutrition found supplementing the participants diets with walnuts resulted in a significant decrease in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Other research has attributed regular walnut eating to improved cardiovascular function and researchers have identified walnuts as the best nut to eat for a healthy heart.

With cardiovascular disease still the biggest killer in the both USA and the UK, it’s well worth eating walnuts for heart health more often and making them a regular part of your diet.

2. Diabetes Protection

Much of the benefits of walnuts for diabetics come from their positive effects on cardiovascular health. While type 2 diabetes is initially a disease related to blood sugar levels and insulin metabolism, once it has developed, diabetics are at much higher risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

This study at Yale University found that eating walnuts regularly made a measurable improvement in blood flow in diabetes sufferers. The scientists said that a diet high in walnuts may improve endothelial function (an important predictor of circulatory issues) and reduce a diabetic patient’s cardiac risk.

More research found a diet moderately high in healthy fats from walnuts made a significant improvement in the blood lipid profiles of the patients studied. There was a reduction of 10% in LDL cholesterol and an improvement in HDL cholesterol associated with walnut consumption.

Diabetes is a rapidly growing and dangerous health problem. At the current rate of new cases, it alone will create such a burden on the health system it’s hard to see how we as a society are going to continue to treat it with expensive conventional treatments.

If you are already living with diabetes or considered at risk of developing it please read this article on the 5 most important natural health tips for diabetics. Eating walnuts is a good start but a more holistic approach is desperately needed to halt the rapid rise of this debilitating disease.

3. Cancer Prevention with Walnuts

The rich array of antioxidants and other nutrition found in walnuts, such as gamma tocopherol, omega-3 fatty acids and phenolic compounds like ellagic and gallic acid, as well as minerals like selenium, attest to their cancer prevention potential.

Walnuts contain a further two unusual compounds to help protect your body from cancer. The phytonutrient juglone, found only in walnuts and black walnuts, has been shown in studies to destroy cancerous cells.

Walnut benefits also include the compound melatonin, which is being studied for its protective effects in reducing oxidative stress that can lead to cancer.

Antioxidants in the food you eat are your front line of defense against free radicals that can cause cancer-promoting oxidative damage. With chemical food additives and other environmental pollutants at an all-time high, we need as much of them as we can get.

You could consider walnuts first-class protection for your body against free radicals. If you eat them as often as I do, it’s worth getting them in bulk for the savings and keeping them in the fridge for freshness.

4. Weight Loss Benefits of Walnut

Dieting, counting calories and avoiding fat rarely helps you lose weight. However walnuts, despite their high fat content, just might.

First of all, the fat in walnuts is the healthy natural versions of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids that our bodies need to operate effectively. There are also high levels of anti-inflammatory omega-3 alpha linolenic acid. Not the type of fat you want to be avoiding for weight loss.

Secondly, with their protein (around 4 grams per ounce) and dietary fiber (approximately 2 grams to the ounce), eating a handful of walnuts is a great way to satisfy your hunger.

Walnuts are known to really increase satiety – that feeling of satisfied fullness – that quickly stops the carbohydrate cravings that have many of us reaching for junk food snacks.

A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that consuming supposedly high fat, but healthy foods, like walnuts, improved weight reduction significantly. So much for avoiding fat and starving yourself.

Chronic inflammation has also been identified as another factor in obesity. The broad range of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts reduce inflammation and as such are also likely to contribute to their weight-loss potential.

5. Walnut Brain Power Food

While the vitamin E and other powerful antioxidant compounds in walnuts would play a protective role, the primary walnut benefits for your brain comes from their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fats are vital for a calm and well functioning brain. Unfortunately, the standard American diet has become so lacking in them that it is estimated that over two-thirds of us are deficient in this vital brain nutrient.

A study from Purdue University found children with low omega-3 levels have a much higher risk of learning and behavioral problems. Further research has shown marked improvement in children’s behavior and learning potential when their diet is supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids.

Low omega-3 fats in the diet are also a known risk factor for depression and other forms of mental illness. If you’d like to get more walnut brain nutrition for breakfast then try the ultimate walnut muesli recipe here.

6. Improved Sleep

Walnuts are an unusually high source of the nutrient melatonin involved in regulating our sleep patterns and getting us to fall asleep in the first place. It may also play a part in how relaxed you are during the day (though a good night’s sleep the night before is one of the best ways to ensure this).

Omega-3 fatty acids are another element of walnut nutrition that have a role in maintaining a relaxed mind and good sleeping patterns.

For those of us jacked up on coffee and energy drinks, or stressed out from office work, a bag of fresh organic walnuts like these could be just the medicine they need to calm down and fall asleep more easily when you go to bed.

The Benefits of Eating Walnuts and Other Nuts

Eating nuts like walnuts can have many health benefits and they make for a satisfying go-to snack to always have on hand instead of the usual fattening and hunger-provoking junk foods.

Despite this, it’s estimated that only around 5% of people in the USA eat nuts on a regular basis. Let’s see if we can raise that a little.

Omega-3 deficiency is pervasive in both America and the UK and causing a lot of health issues and likely social problems as well in the way it affects people’s moods and behavior. Eating walnuts and other omega-3 rich foods is a simple improvement anyone can make if they know how important it is.

Please share this page with your friends and let them know about the many benefits of walnut for their body and brain. With your help this page can spread the word further.

There’s even more on walnut nutrition and just how good they are for you here. Another healthy nut that’s also great for weight loss and preventing diabetes and heart disease are almonds.

Eaten together, these two nuts are a powerful way to improve your health. If it has been a while since you last had some fresh nuts I’d really recommend giving them a try.

Health benefits of guava juice

guava juice

Guava is loaded with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants as well as dietary fiber and can be highly beneficial for health. Apart from the great taste, the benefits of this juice also work as a major reason for the popularity of it. Instead of an apple a day, you can include a guava a day in your diet and keep the doctor away. However, it is best suggested to bank on only the freshly prepared guava juice, as the packaged ones always come with added preservatives and sweeteners, which makes it less healthy and may be even harmful when taken daily.

Guava juice can benefit your health in multiple ways. At one hand it can help you to get better immunity and at the other it can effectively cure any digestive problems. The anti-oxidants present in guava juice can be most helpful to keep you energetic and to fight the signs of aging. Now let us get into the detail of how drinking guava juice helps in better health.

Boosts immunity

Guava juice is loaded with Vitamin C, which makes it ideal and effective for boosting the natural immunity of the body. Better immunity can help you to stay away from any common illnesses including cough and cold. The vitamin C of guava juice can also be effective to clear the mucus from chest promoting better respiratory health. While preparing the guava juice, never discard the seeds, as these seeds contain maximum amount of the Vitamin C.

Lowers the risk of cancer

Guava juice is highly effective in reducing the risk of cancer. Guava has a bunch of potent anti-oxidants, including, lycopene, vitamin C and quercetin. These anti-oxidants have been found to have the ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells. Guava can be most effective to prevent prostate cancer and it can even help in controlling the growth of these cancer cells. The lycopene present in guava juice helps in preventing formation of breast tumors and growth of breast cancer.

Helps in maintaining blood sugar levels

Guava juice has high fiber in it (just make sure that you do not discard any part of the fruit while making the juice) which can be most effective to regulate the absorption of sugar into the body. Guava has a low glycaemic index and it prevents any spike in the blood sugar levels which makes it an ideal food for the patients of diabetes. Guava has also been found to be effective in preventing Type 2 diabetes.

Promotes better heart health

Guava has the right sodium and potassium content which helps in balancing the sodium-potassium level in the body, which is vital for proper working of the heart. In addition to that the high fiber content of guava also helps in lowering triglyceride and low density cholesterol or bad cholesterol from the blood, and thus increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body, which as a whole promotes a better cardiovascular system. Reduced amount of bad cholesterol also helps in maintaining normal blood pressure.

Promotes better thyroid health

The thyroid gland plays an important role in overall well being. The secretion of this gland controls and affects a number of vital processes in the body. Creation of different hormones and their absorption are mostly regulated by the secretion of the thyroid gland. Guava is a good source of Copper, which can be helpful to ensure better thyroid health promoting better hormonal balance in the body and over all well being.

Treats constipation and promotes digestive health

Guava juice can effectively treat constipation. It is high in fiber and can be one of the best fruits to cure any type of stomach infections naturally. If you have been suffering from stomach ailments for a long time, that seems not to go, start taking 1 full glass of ripe guava juice everyday and you can see the difference in a week. Just make sure that you do not discard any part of the fruit while making the juice.

Promotes better memory and brain health

Guava juice contains vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6 which are known for their ability to increase the blood flow in the brain which can improve the cognitive functions naturally. These vitamins nourish the brain cells and helps in proper functioning of the brain. Hence, drinking guava juice can be ideal for every one of every age.

Helps in relieving stress

Another rare mineral which is present in guava juice in significant amount is magnesium. Magnesium works as a vital nutrient for relaxing the nerves and the muscles of the body. So, in the regular hectic lifestyle, when fighting stress is becoming a big challenge of life, a glass of guava juice every evening can be an effective natural way to keep stress at bay.

Guava is ideal for pregnant women

Folic acid is one of the most vital nutrients needed for the growth and development of the brain and nervous tissues of the fetus. Folic acid deficiency in the expecting mother, can easily lead to neural abnormality in the child. Guava is rich in folic acid, and hence it can cure folate deficiency in the body of the expecting mother. As guava is also effective in curing constipation which is often a common problem during pregnancy, guava juice makes an ideal drink for pregnant ladies.

Prevents scurvy

Scurvy is caused due to vitamin C deficiency in the body and it can result into a number of serious symptoms. The vitamin C content in guava is much more than many other fruits you can think of. Guava even has more Vitamin C than orange and hence drinking guava juice everyday can keep you safe from this disease.

Helps in weight management

Guava juice is filled with nutrients that can help in curing any vitamin or mineral deficiency in the body, helping your body metabolism work smoothly. The high fiber and water content of this juice keeps your stomach full without adding much to the calorie consumption. It keeps you satiated for longer helping you to control your hunger, which can be highly helpful for weight management.

Guava for better skin

The rich anti-oxidant content of guava not only prevents oxidative damage to the internal organs but also to the skin and hence for all those beauty conscious people, including guava juice in their regular diet is a must.

20 Health Benefits Of Coconut Water – Improves Your Look And Feel From Within

Next to water, coconut water is the only thing that is available as the purest liquid on the earth. Although studies on the coconut water is limited, until today it has not been reported to pose any side effects. It remains as a safe healthy drink from the days of unknown.

Health benefits of coconut water is countless. It is well known for its amazing medicinal properties and consumed by almost all health conscious people all over the world. On top of all, you can get the coconut water easily at an affordable cost. This treasure of nature helps to improve our inner health and outer look as well.

Coconut water has been used to cure various health issues right from the olden days. Coconut water is rich in antioxidants and potassium content. When compare to all other sports drinks,  coconut water have less sugar. So it serves as a good sports drinks alternative too.

As the consumption of coconut water supplies the electrolytes to your body, you can save yourself from acidity and dehydration.

Health benefits of coconut water                            

If the above benefits doesn’t satisfy you to buy and drink this coconut water, read on. Here I  have presented few more reasons for you.

No 1 : Source of Vitamins

Coconut offers all the necessary vitamins, we need to sustain our life.

It’s rich in Potassium, Glucose, Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

Potassium assist in lowering the arterial blood pressure.

Vitamin C protects us from various health ailments.

Vitamin B helps in the worn out tissues replacement.

Glucose serves as an energy provider.

As the scientific researches on this healthy drink is limited, at present there are no much clear evidence on the health benefits of coconut water.

pure coconut water

No 2 : Heart Saver

Coconut water can lower the risk of developing the heart attack, lowers arterial and systolic pressure.

No 3 : Hydrating health drink

Coconut water is well known to replace the fluids and minerals we lose during the physical activity. So if you are doing a regular exercise, coconut water benefits will mean a lot to you.

No 4 : Anti Ageing

2 elements that plays a vital role in the cell growth and its regulation are lauric acid and cytokines both of which can be  found in the coconut water. So it carries significant  anti-thrombotic, anti-carcinogenic and anti aging properties.

No 5 : Kidney Stones

Potassium found in coconut water has proven to dissolve the kidney stones. So the regular intake of coconut water can help you in preventing the kidney stones. It’s one of the easy way to save our kidneys.

No 6 : Increases Metabolic Rate

As the coconut water stimulates the Insulin formation, it increases the metabolic rate. Result, you will burn a sugar lot faster.

 No 7 : Digestion

Coconut water have enzymes like catalase, folic acid, peroxidase, phosphatase, dehydrogenase, RNA polymerases, diastase and so on. These all enzymes plays an important role in easy digestion.

No 8 : Strengthen Bones, Muscles and Tissues

Health benefits of coconut water includes our bone strength too. As the coconut water is rich in calcium and potassium, regular intake of coconut water results in stronger bones, muscles and tissues.

 No 9 : Fuel for brain functions

Electrolyte content found in coconut water have the capability to improve the brain functions by boosting the speed of nerve transmission.

Coconut water can you from the spasms and cramps in the muscles.

No 10 : Manage Stress

As the coconut oil is rich in vitamin B derivatives such as pantothenic acid, riboflavin and thiamine, it helps in reducing the stress, depression and anxiety.

No 11 : Helps in achieving a healthy weight loss

From the unknown time, coconut water have been proved as one of the healthiest way to  lose weight.  This natural drink does not contain the harmful chemicals or whatsoever. Above all, to get the coconut water, you don’t need to empty your wallet. It’s a cheapest way to achieve a safe weight loss

No 12 : Improves the blood circulation

By widening the blood vessels , it aids in smooth blood throughout the body. It controls the diabetes and fight against the atherosclerosis.

No 13 : Poison Effect Neutralization

Coconuts are available in the colors green and pale yellow. Especially the green coconut water acts effectively on the diseases like heartburn, constipation, dysentery. dengue fever and neutralizing toxins.

Benefits of coconut water for skin

No 14 : Best Moisturizer

When apply the coconut water all over the body, it will act as a best moisturizer . You can use it at the times of summer and winter. It suits well to the people with an oily skin.

No 16 : Improves your skin from within

When you apply the coconut water on skin, it helps a lot in hydrating and its regular consumption helps your skin from within.

It helps  our skin to breath an adequate level of oxygen. Thus it removes all impurities from the skin.

No 17 : Saves us from sun tan

Take a fullers earth which  is also known as multani mitti and mix it with the coconut water. Use this as a natural scrub in a daily basis. This natural scrub can help us from the sun tan. Results in healthy glowing skin

No 18 : Saves us from Skin Infections

As the coconut water have so many medicinal properties, direction application of coconut water can us from many skin infections.

No 19: Blessing for oily an oily skin

Existence of coconut water is a great blessing to all who are suffering from oily skin. It controls the excess oils and provides a natural glow. Say goodbye to your oily shine. It also prevents our skin from getting acne and blemishes.

No 20 : Coconut water benefits for hair 

Massaging your scalp with the coconut water helps from hair breakage, fights , hair fall and dryness. It also helps in promoting the hair growth. It’s a great natural conditioner too.

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