Benefits of Orange Juice

Orange juice is made from unfermented fresh oranges and provides many benefits for the body. Fresh orange juice is the richest source of vitamin C and fulfills an entire day’s worth of vitamin C in just one serving. Chock full of useful minerals like potassium and magnesium, orange juice is also very low in fat and contains no cholesterol whatsoever.

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Benefits of Orange Juice

  • Provide Vitamin C. Vitamin C cannot be synthesized by the human body so we must ingest it in our food and drink. Drinking two glasses of orange juice each day can increase the Vitamin C concentration in your body by 40 to 64 percent. The vitamin C we get from orange juice protects our bodies from the harmful effects of free radicals that cause early aging, and aids in the absorption of essential minerals like calcium.
  • Reduce Inflammation. Eating meals with a lot of fat or glucose can lead to the development of inflammatory reactions. Inflammatory reactions lead to the resistance of insulin, which is a common cause of type II diabetes and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a very serious condition where the blood vessel walls harden due to fatty deposits. Drinking orange juice when ingesting a high-carbohydrate and high-fat meal will prevent the occurrence of this inflammation, making it a good preventative measure against insulin resistance and atherosclerosis.
  • Balance Blood Pressure. You can improve your diastolic blood pressure by adding a glass of orange juice into your diet. Studies have found that orange juice contains hesperidin, a very healthy, water-soluble plant pigment. It improves the activity of small blood vessels bringing your overall blood pressure into balance and helping to decrease cardiovascular risks.
  • Lower Bad Cholesterol. Drinking orange juice regularly is thought to decrease levels of low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is commonly known as the “bad” cholesterol and it collects in your arteries and blood vessels, causing heart problems, cardiovascular issues, and problems with healthy blood and blood oxygen flow. The mechanism in drinking orange juice that is behind the improvement in LDL cholesterol levels is still unknown. More studies and clinical trials will need to be performed in order to hammer this out as concrete fact.
  • Promote Skin Condition. Drinking orange juice is said to bring a radiant glow to your skin and provide other skin benefits as well. Drinking this juice will help to hydrate skin and keep it firm. Using this juice as a topical treatment does wonders for the skin as well. It cleans out and tightens clogged pores and is believed to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Orange juice is also a great natural remedy for treating sunburns.
  • Prevent Neural Tube Defects. Folate deficiency is one of the main causes of low birth weight and neural tube defects, which are congenital problems in the brain and spinal cord. It also one of the most preventable causes of these birth defects. Drinking ⅓ cup of orange juice each day provides 40 mcg of folates to expectant mothers. Folates are important micronutrients that are known to prevent a wide variety of birth defects. The ⅓ cup serving mentioned provides 10% of the recommended daily value of folates.
  • Produce Collagen. Vitamin C is the key ingredient for healthy production of collagen, which is the structural component of bones, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. When the body is deficient in vitamin C it can lead to scurvy, a disease characterized by bruising, bleeding, tooth loss and immense joint pain. In order to prevent occurrences of scurvy it is recommended for an adult to take in at least 90 mg of vitamin C each day. Those who smoke may need to take in as much as 125 mg per day. Taking in these amounts should be easy as one 6 oz. glass of orange can provide up to 93 mg of vitamin C.
  • Other Benefits. The Vitamin B6 found in orange juice aids in the production of hemoglobin. Beta carotene from orange juice can help prevent cell damage. Orange juice has quite a bit of calcium in it, too. This helps promote bone health and strengthen teeth. Folic acids in orange juice help boost brain, spinal cord and neural system health. It has also been found that orange juice is highly beneficial to weight loss.

calamansi juice benefits

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Calamansi, known as Calamondin in other countries, is a sour fruit that resembles a small mandarin. This fruit is indigenous to the Philippines that is usually used in beverages, or in sauces to enhance the flavor of food. It is sold cheap in the market and can be found in residential backyards as an ornamental plant.

This small fruit is known to be packed with Vitamin C. Drinking calamansi juice will help increase the body’s resistance to diseases like common colds and cough.Due to its good dose of vitamin C, drinking calamansi juice can also help prevent tooth decay, bleeding gums and will help strengthen teeth.

Calamansi is good for colds, flu, and fever. It will help increase perspiration and it serves as an effective antihistamine that will lessen the unpleasant effects of the common cold, including inflammation, stuffy nose and aches.
Calamansi helps strengthen immune system. Since Calamansi is rich in vitamin C, it will help protect your body from infections and maintains healthy bones and teeth and it will quicken the body’s ability to repair wounds.
Calamansi can help aid sore throats. You just mix one Calamansi with warm water, a pinch of salt and gargle.
Calamansi may help control high blood pressure and so it helps lessen the probability of hypertension and other serious health problems.
Calamansi may also help expel phlegm. In Malaya, it is mixed with pepper to expel phlegm.
Calamansi mixed with water can help a person who has respiratory problem.
Calamansi is extremely beneficial for the body as it helps eliminate toxins that result to a faster weight loss.
If you have burn, Calamansi can help reduce burning sensation because it acts as a cooling agent.
Calamansi juice serves as a liver cleanser. It lessens toxic damage to liver cells and helps keep the liver clean

Here is a list of additional health benefits derived from drinking calamansi juice:

* The vitamin C present in this drink offers relief from scurvy, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, cracked lips, cold, cough, as well as other viral infections.

* A natural skin rejuvenator, it safeguards the skin from various infections also.

* A natural deodorant, it has the potential to eliminate dandruff and act as scrub.

* The mild smell of this concentrate is a mood enhancer; hence, is suggested to be included in the bathing water to ward off tiredness and uplift the mood.

* The irresistible scent of the drink promotes primary digestion while the flavanoids enhance the secretion of digestive systems and strengthens digestive system.

* The abundance of acids enables the drink to act as a natural cleanser of digestive tract and excretory system.

* Diluted with water and flavored with salt, calamansi juice is a natural purgative, which offers relief from constipation without side effects.

* The antioxidant nature of the drink makes it ideal for averting age-related vision disorders.

* Being a good natural antioxidant, its daily consumption is ideal to prevent wrinkles and thus, delay ageing.

* The astringent and antibacterial properties of the drink make it an efficient refreshing agent for oily skin.

* Being a reservoir of antioxidants and detoxifiers, it eliminates the free radicals and toxins; thus, preventing gout as well as cancers.

* The presence of potassium in abundance enables it to eliminate the kidney stones, while the disinfectant property of the drink offers relief from urinary system infections.

* The drink is a wonderful good digestive stimulant as well as appetizer.

* The juice concentrate is known to offer relief from various medical conditions including fatigue, diabetes, cholera, rheumatism, arthritis, cardiac disorders, as well as arteriosclerosis.

Peach Juice Benefits

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A ripe, juicy peach can be one of the joys of summer. Peaches are in season during late spring and summer and pack a nutritional punch. According to Jonny Bowden, author of "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth," peaches are low in calories but high in nutrition, making them a healthy part of your diet. The juice from peaches is equally as beneficial to your health and provides many of the nutrients your body needs daily. Look for peach juice without sugar added because it is the most nutritious.

Supports Eye Health

Your eyesight may start to decline as you age, but eating the right foods can help prevent conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. Bowden reports that peaches, and their juice, contain several compounds that help support the health of your eyes. Peaches contain both lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been identified as nutrients that are good for your eyesight.


Plant foods contain many different antioxidants that help you achieve good health, as well as prevent certain health conditions. Peach juice contains several antioxidants that help ward off disease and keep you healthy. In particular, peaches, and peach juice, contain beta-cryptozanthin, Bowden notes. Beta-cryptozanthin is a potent antioxidant that may help reduce your risk of breast cancer, according to Texas A&M; University. The university reports that the antioxidant nutrients found in peaches promoted breast cancer cell death in test tube studies, while leaving healthy cells unharmed.


Peaches and peach juice contain small amounts of many vitamins. Vitamin C is one vitamin in peaches that helps support a healthy immune system and may help ward off sickness. Peach juice also contains a good amount of vitamins A and K. Look for 100 percent peach juice to get more of these vitamins. Juice blends often contain added sugars that decrease the nutrition juice, including the vitamin content.


Peach juice contains trace amounts of many minerals that are beneficial to your health. A 3/4 cup glass of peach juice supplies a small amount of calcium, a nutrient your body needs to make and maintain strong bones and teeth. A serving of peach juice also contains a good amount of potassium, as well as tiny amounts of iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

Health Benefits of Kiwi

The kiwifruit is a little fruit holding great surprises. The most common species of kiwifruit is Actinidia deliciosa, commonly known as Hayward kiwi. Inside of this small, oval-shaped fruit featuring brown fuzzy skin resides a brilliant, semi-translucent emerald green flesh speckled with a few concentrically arranged white veins and small black seeds. Its flesh is almost creamy in consistency with an invigorating taste reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries and bananas, yet with its own unique sweet flavor.

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Health Benefits of Kiwi

Kiwifruit has been shown to contain an antimutagenic component, helping to prevent the mutations of genes that may initiate the cancer process. The presence of glutathione may account for the reduction.

  • Carcinogenic nitrates are formed during the smoking or barbecuing of foods. When nitrates are ingested, a process called nitrosation can occur, in which free radicalsónitrosaminesóare formed that may lead to the formation of gastric or other cancers. Kiwi has been demonstrated to aid in the prevention of nitrosation.
  • In another in vitro test with cultured mammalian-cell lines, kiwifruit extract was found to inhibit melanoma, or skin cancer.
  • The amino acid arginine, present in kiwifruit, is being looked at by cardiologists to improve postangioplasty blood flow and actually prevent the formation (or reformation) of plaque in the arteries.
  • Kiwifruit is ranked as having the fourth highest natural antioxidant potentialónext to the red fruits containing high levels of beta carotene.
  • Lutein, an important phytochemical found in kiwifruit, has been linked to the prevention of prostate and lung cancer.
  • In addition to kiwifruit being recognized by the FDA as an excellent source of dietary fiber, studies indicate that it contains another not-yet-isolated compound that accelerates digestive transit time even faster than dietary fiber aloneóimportant for colorectal cancer prevention. The benefit of this laxative action is to decrease the build-up of cancer-promoting metabolites.
  • Kiwifruit is one of the few fruits that are green at maturity, and chlorophyll is responsible for that color. Several studies have suggested that chlorophyllin, a derivative of chlorophyll, is an inhibitor of liver carcinogenesis.


  • Inositol is found in kiwifruit. Recent studies have shown that inositol, because of its function as a precursor of an intracellular second messenger system, can be beneficial in the treatment of depression.


· Inositol, a sugar alcohol naturally occurring in kiwifruit, may play a positive role in regulating diabetes. Inositol supplements may improve nerve conduction velocity in diabetic neuropathy.

· Inositol plays a role in intracellular responses to hormones and neurotransmitters. It acts as a second messenger in cell signaling processes.

Eye Health/Macular Degeneration

  • Fourteen million American adults needlessly suffer from macular degeneration. Kiwifruit is rich in phytochemicalsóxanthophylls and especially a subcomponent, lutein. Lutein is known to accumulate in the retina of the eye. Recent USDA studies have linked these important compounds to the prevention of macular degenerationóthe leading cause of irreversible blindness in the U.S.
  • Kiwifruit contains a wealth of carotenoids (beta carotenes, luteins and xanthophylls); phenolic compounds (flavonoids and anthocyanins) and antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. The excellent complement of antioxidants in kiwifruit may help prevent the oxidation of the good cholesterol (HDLs).
  • Kiwifruit is particularly high in two amino acids: arginine and glutamate. Arginine may help promote an increase in arteriolar dilation, working as a vasodilator and improving blood flowóimportant for heart health.
  • The FDA considers kiwifruit a good source of vitamin E, crucial for a healthy heart.
  • Kiwifruit contains magnesium at 6% DV. Magnesium is thought to be in short supply in the diets of affluent countries. Poor magnesium status is associated with heart disease, myocardial infarction and hypertension.
  • Kiwifruit contains pectin, which has been shown to lower cholesterol.


  • Cardiologists believe the sodium-to-potassium ratio is critical for heart health. That ratio is extremely favorable in kiwifruit.


  • Kiwifruit has been shown to be an immune boosterómost likely due to its extremely high vitamin C content and its complement of antioxidant compounds.


  • Kiwifruit contains the amino acid arginine, a well-known vasodilator that has been used to treat impotence in men

Top Amazing Health Benefits of Orange Juice for Glowing Skin

Top 10 surprising benefits of Orange juice

Importance of orange juice

Orange juice is the excellent source of vitamin C and fulfills the entire day requirement of vitamin C in just one serving. It is tasty and delicious with full of medicinal as well as health benefits. Orange juice is known for many minerals such as magnesium, potassium, Vitamin B6, beta carotene, calcium, folic acid, and having low fats and no cholesterol.

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Folic acid in orange juice is highly beneficial for brain development and spinal cord. In a recent study, it has been found that orange juice is good for weight loss. Orange juice has other important health advantages like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, cancer and gastrointestinal disorders. The juice boosts your immunity due to the presence of vitamin C. Orange juice has the highest nutrients value among all the citrus fruits.

Orange juice excellent source of vitamin C

Orange is one of the few fruits that are known for its enriched vitamin C content. Drinking orange juice fulfills the concentration of vitamin C in the body. Vitamin C protects us from free radicals, which are the breeding ground of many diseases and conditions. It also helps in absorption of calcium in the body.

Orange juice prevents inflammation

The modern day faulty lifestyle along with paradox in dietary pattern leads to inflammatory reactions in the body, which causes lifestyle related disorders such as diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, asthma, depression, etc. Drinking of orange juice helps to minimize the impact of type II diabetes and atherosclerosis. The flavonoids like hesperidin, and naringenin are acting as anti-inflammatory products and good for arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma.

Orange juice maintains BP

Orange juice is good in the management and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Orange juice contain a plant pigment called ‘hesperidin’ that is beneficial for overall the smooth functioning of  blood vessels thereby helps in balancing of blood pressure and good for cardiovascular diseases.  Drinking of orange juice decreases bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein in the body. Bad cholesterol accounted for cardiovascular problems. The adequate amount of magnesium is good in normalizing blood pressure.

Orange juice for radiant glow skin

Orange juice helps to make you look young and enhances the beauty of your skin. Drinking orange juice regularly helps to improve skin complexion of the face by defeating the aging effects. It is good for other skin problems too. Taking orange juice helps to hydrate the skin. Rubbing orange juice on the face is beneficial for cleaning the clogged skin pores and good in prevention of acne, pimples, wrinkles and fine lines. The problem of sunburn can be overcome by drinking orange juice. The vitamin C also prevents free radicals and provides freshness to your skin. The nutritionists suggest that people should take regular orange juice to improve the beauty of skin, hair and nails. Vitamin C is the vital in collagen production, which is itself responsible in making of bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and gives elasticity to the face.

Orange juice prevent birth defects

Birth defects like low birth weight and neural tube defects can be overcome by drinking orange. The pregnant mother is suggested to take half cup of orange juice daily to fulfill the deficiency of folate, which leads to many birth related problems.

Orange juice nutrition facts & values

The 1 cup of orange juice contains the following nutrients. Vitamin C (96.9 mg), Thiamin (0.2 mg), Niacin (0.5 mg), Vitamin B6 (0.1 mg), vitamin K (0.2 mcg), vitamin E (0.5 mg), calcium (22.4 mg), iron (0.2 mg), magnesium (24 mg), zinc (0.1 mg), sodium (2.5 mg), phosphorous (39.8 mg), potassium (473 mg), fluoride (145 mcg), fats (0.1 g), water (219 g), sugar (20.9g), protein (1.7 g) and carbohydrate (26.8 g).

Orange juice prevents cancer

In a recent scientific research, it has been found that orange juice contains a bio-chemical substance called ‘D-limonene’, which is effective in preventing of skin cancer, breast cancer, mouth cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer. The adequate amount of vitamin C is also good in prevention of cancer.

Orange juice treats anemia

Orange juice is one of the best sources of vitamin C that helps in the absorption of iron into the blood stream. Anemia is a disease where there is a severe deficiency of iron. Regular intake of orange juice helps the patients in this regards.

Orange juice prevents tooth decay

Orange juice contains enough amount of calcium, which is good in prevention of tooth decay and bone related problems. It is the great source of vitamin C, which is helpful in curing scurvy.

10 Beauty Uses of Coconut Water for Beautiful Skin and Hair

Drinking coconut water can give you a number of beauty benefits for skin and hair. You can also make use of coconut water in beauty face and hair masks to get beautiful and healthy skin. Here are discussed ten tips to take advantage of this pure and natural water.

Who doesn’t know the benefits of coconut oil for beauty purposes! Also get familiar with the amazing uses of coconut water on skin and hair. You drink coconut water just thinking of it as a cool summer drink that nature offer. But, you are going to love it even more once you are well aware of its beauty benefits too! Go ahead and read on for the ten most useful benefits of coconut water.

Coconut water for a young and fresh skin

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Drinking coconut water sure helps your skin to look younger and fresh by getting it rid of the harmful toxins.

However, just splash some of that water on your face and bring your dull face to life almost instantly. Imagine what regularly applying it on the face would do!

Prevent dry skin with Coconut water

Many of you tend to suffer from dry skin condition time and again irrespective of summer or winter (although winter can be harsh on most!). Try applying cotton balls dipped in coconut water regularly and see the change. It’s the most natural moisturizer nature has to offer. After all, coconut water is the purest liquid on earth after water, isn’t it? Your skin will feel soft and smooth once again and you will stay away from dry skin forever!

Natural skin cleanser and toner

Cleaning the face with coconut water helps get rid of the dirt and impurities that get accumulated every time you go out of the house. It can work as your make up remover as well (You do not need to spend on buying those fancy make up removal products from the market anymore, voila!) Put in a few drops of lemon juice in it and it will help brighten up your skin and hydrate it beautifully too.

Fights skin infections

Some of you might have faced skin infections especially during the monsoons or in a humid climate. Instead of running to the nearest medical store, first try applying coconut water on the skin or another great idea would be to mix it in your bathing water for a few days daily. The anti-fungal and anti-viral properties of coconut water helps in the healing process to a great extent.

Drink coconut water to enjoy age defying properties

Who wants to look older than their actual age or for that matter why not aim to have a skin of a 25 year old when you actually are 40 years old! Wow, wouldn’t that be something to strive for! And no, you do not need to buy and try 10 different types of the so called ‘anti-ageing’ cosmetic products available in the market. These are not only heavy on your pocket, but in the long run those chemicals do no good to your skin. It’s simple – just drink coconut water (tastes yummy too!) regularly and wash your face with it as well.

Useful in removing sun tan

Haven’t yet found a natural remedy

for removing that tan you get at the beach every time you go? Well, a simple home remedy is here to your rescue. Cost and time effective both at the same time. Just mix up coconut water and fuller’s earth, and apply to the sun tan area. It will vanish in no time with routine application. This is one of the best uses of coconut water for skin care.

Prevents acne, blemishes, wrinkles

Simply dabbing some coconut water on the scars left behind by acne/pimples before you go to bed helps lighten them up faster than you can imagine. It has similar effects on dark spots/blemishes. Wrinkles can also be reduced to a certain extent by regular application of coconut water.

Beneficial for oily skin

Coconut water helps improve your skin tone, if you have an oily skin. It helps get rid of the excess oils and gives a natural shine to your face that will make heads turn!

Easy solution for frizzy and unmanageable hair

Benefits of this wonderful fruit is not only limited to your skin, but coconut water can do wonders to your hair too! Simply massage your hair with it and get smooth silky hair. If you have a persistent problem of brittle hair or hair loss, it will help prevent that too as coconut water is very good conditioning properties which in the long run increases the average health and life of your hair.

Coconut water prevents itchy scalp and dandruff

As it helps get rid of skin infections (discussed above already), due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it definitely has positive results on dry itchy scalps. Also, dandruff are so common in the winter, applying coconut water on the scalp could be your solution, in the most natural way possible!

No wonder so many cosmetic products use coconut as a key ingredient. But why buy those chemically packed products when you have the option of using coconut water in its most natural form. It is so readily available and very easy to apply – no mess at all. So, cheers to drinking and applying lots of this natural drink and reaping its benefits for a healthy skin and healthy you!

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