What Are the Benefits of Eating Mangoes?

What Are the Benefits of Eating Mangoes?
Mango has the highest beta-carotene level of any fruit. Photo CreditMeePoohyaphoto/iStock/Getty Images

Mangoes have been part of the human diet for over 4,000 years. The mango tree grows in the tropics and produces juicy, nutritious fruits. People eat mangoes alone or add them to fruit salads and salsas. Fresh mangoes are low in calories and contain beneficial nutrients. Available year-round, mangoes are a healthy addition to your diet.


Most fruits and vegetables supply fiber to your diet. Mangoes are no different, and provide 2.6 g of dietary fiber in a 1 cup serving. Fiber helps foster proper digestion and prevent constipation. Dietary fiber has more far-reaching benefits, as well. A diet high in fiber can lessen your chances of developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and diverticular disease. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women consume at least 25 grams of fiber a day and men consume at least 38 grams. One cup of mango can help you reach that total.

Vitamin A

Mangoes supply a healthy dose of vitamin A. You need adequate amounts of vitamin A in your diet to support healthy eyes and proper bone growth. Mangoes supply 1,785 IU of vitamin A in a 1 cup serving. This is about 35 percent of the vitamin A your body needs daily for good health.

Folic Acid

Folate, or folic acid, is an essential B vitamin with many health benefits. Adequate dietary intake of folic acid is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Folic acid can help prevent birth defects including spina bifida and cleft palate. A folic acid deficiency can also cause miscarriage. Folic acid is used to treat megaloblastic anemia, which occurs when red blood cells are larger than normal. You need 400 mcg of folate every day, and 1 cup of fresh mango supplies 71 mcg.

Other Nutrients

A 1-cup serving of fresh mango supplies other nutrients as well. One of the most notable is vitamin C, with 60 mg per serving. Adult women need about 75 mg of vitamin C a day and men need about 90 mg. Mangoes are high in potassium, and one serving has 277 mg. Mango also contains small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. One cup of mango also provides trace amounts of copper, selenium, manganese and zinc. Adding mango to your diet can help you increase your intake of all these important nutrients.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Mangoes?
Mango has the highest beta-carotene level of any fruit. Photo CreditMeePoohyaphoto/iStock/Getty Images

Mangoes have been part of the human diet for over 4,000 years. The mango tree grows in the tropics and produces juicy, nutritious fruits. People eat mangoes alone or add them to fruit salads and salsas. Fresh mangoes are low in calories and contain beneficial nutrients. Available year-round, mangoes are a healthy addition to your diet.


Most fruits and vegetables supply fiber to your diet. Mangoes are no different, and provide 2.6 g of dietary fiber in a 1 cup serving. Fiber helps foster proper digestion and prevent constipation. Dietary fiber has more far-reaching benefits, as well. A diet high in fiber can lessen your chances of developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and diverticular disease. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women consume at least 25 grams of fiber a day and men consume at least 38 grams. One cup of mango can help you reach that total.

Vitamin A

Mangoes supply a healthy dose of vitamin A. You need adequate amounts of vitamin A in your diet to support healthy eyes and proper bone growth. Mangoes supply 1,785 IU of vitamin A in a 1 cup serving. This is about 35 percent of the vitamin A your body needs daily for good health.

The Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water

The Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water
fresh coconut water on beach Photo Credit luckyraccoon/iStock/Getty Images

Coconut water has gained in popularity, evolving from a niche health food to a popular beverage, available at many grocery and convenience stores. While not all the health claims associated with coconut water stand up to scrutiny -- for example, it's not "nature's sports drink," notes registered dietitian Jennifer Koslo, writing for Kaplan University's Center for Health and Wellness -- it does offer a variety of health benefits thanks to its nutrient content. Add it to your diet as a healthful beverage, and you'll boost your fiber and mineral intake.

Dietary Fiber

Coconut water offers health benefits by boosting your intake of dietary fiber. Each 1-cup serving of the water contains 2.6 grams of dietary fiber, which is 10 percent of the fiber women need each day, and 7 percent of the fiber men need. Because it contains a significant amount of fiber, coconut water helps you feel full -- the fiber absorbs water, which helps fill your stomach. The fiber in coconut water also regulates your blood sugar, which makes it a healthy choice if you suffer from diabetes, and helps lower cholesterol.

Magnesium and Copper

Coconut water is a good source of the essential minerals magnesium and copper. Magnesium affects the function of your parathyroid gland, a hormone gland located in your neck, and supports your metabolism so that you can convert food into energy. Copper also facilitates energy production and plays a role in the production of collagen, which keeps your bones strong. A 1-cup serving of coconut water contains 60 milligrams of magnesium -- 14 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 19 percent for women -- along with 96 micrograms of copper, or 11 percent of the daily recommended intake.

Manganese and Potassium

Drink coconut water and you'll also get a significant amount of manganese and potassium. Your body uses potassium to maintain membrane potential, which is the electrolyte balance your cells need to function properly. A serving of coconut water boasts 600 milligrams of potassium, which is 13 percent of your daily recommended intake. The manganese found in coconut water boosts collagen production, a process central to healthy wound healing, and supports your metabolism. A cup of coconut water provides 0.34 milligram of manganese, which is 15 and 19 percent, respectively, of the daily recommended manganese intakes for men and women.

The Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water
fresh coconut water on beach Photo Credit luckyraccoon/iStock/Getty Images

Coconut water has gained in popularity, evolving from a niche health food to a popular beverage, available at many grocery and convenience stores. While not all the health claims associated with coconut water stand up to scrutiny -- for example, it's not "nature's sports drink," notes registered dietitian Jennifer Koslo, writing for Kaplan University's Center for Health and Wellness -- it does offer a variety of health benefits thanks to its nutrient content. Add it to your diet as a healthful beverage, and you'll boost your fiber and mineral intake.

Dietary Fiber

Coconut water offers health benefits by boosting your intake of dietary fiber. Each 1-cup serving of the water contains 2.6 grams of dietary fiber, which is 10 percent of the fiber women need each day, and 7 percent of the fiber men need. Because it contains a significant amount of fiber, coconut water helps you feel full -- the fiber absorbs water, which helps fill your stomach. The fiber in coconut water also regulates your blood sugar, which makes it a healthy choice if you suffer from diabetes, and helps lower cholesterol.

Magnesium and Copper

Coconut water is a good source of the essential minerals magnesium and copper. Magnesium affects the function of your parathyroid gland, a hormone gland located in your neck, and supports your metabolism so that you can convert food into energy. Copper also facilitates energy production and plays a role in the production of collagen, which keeps your bones strong. A 1-cup serving of coconut water contains 60 milligrams of magnesium -- 14 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 19 percent for women -- along with 96 micrograms of copper, or 11 percent of the daily recommended intake.

Manganese and Potassium

Drink coconut water and you'll also get a significant amount of manganese and potassium. Your body uses potassium to maintain membrane potential, which is the electrolyte balance your cells need to function properly. A serving of coconut water boasts 600 milligrams of potassium, which is 13 percent of your daily recommended intake. The manganese found in coconut water boosts collagen production, a process central to healthy wound healing, and supports your metabolism. A cup of coconut water provides 0.34 milligram of manganese, which is 15 and 19 percent, respectively, of the daily recommended manganese intakes for men and women.

The Benefits of Lychee

With an inedible seed, the lychee is a fruit, rather than a nut.

With an inedible seed, the lychee is a fruit, rather than a nut.

The lychee is sometimes called a nut due to its firm shell, but it is actually a fruit. The seed of the lychee is inedible. The plant is highly esteemed in China, with dozens of varieties named after prominent Chinese families. The lychee can be round, egg-shaped or heart-shaped, with a variety of textures, fragrances, flavors and colors. It's a nutritious fruit, raw or dried, but the high sugar content of dried lychee may make it undesirable to diabetics or people on restricted-calorie diets.

Nutrition Basics

A 1-cup serving of fresh, raw lychees, has 126 calories with about a gram of fat and protein and 2.5 grams of fiber. Its sugar content is rather high, with 28 grams of natural sugar, about the same amount as in 1.5 cups of sweet cherries. Because the water is removed during the dehydration process, concentrating all of the remaining components, dried lychee is significantly higher in sugar and calories. One 1/2-cup serving has 263 calories and 63 grams of sugar, but it also provides 3.6 grams of protein and 4.4 grams of fiber.


Raw lychee fruit is rich in vitamin C. Each cup provides more than 100 percent of the vitamin C the Institute of Medicine recommends you get each day. One serving also gives you small amounts of folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B-6, providing antioxidant benefits, immune system support, healthy metabolism, nerve function, heart and brain health. Dried lychee offers more than twice as much of these nutrients, per gram.


Lychee fruit is a good source of potassium, a mineral that works with sodium to maintain a healthy balance of water in your body, keeping your blood pressure at a safe level. Although a cup of raw lychee has 324 milligrams of potassium, giving you less than 10 percent of your recommended daily intake, half as much dried lychee provides 1,054 milligrams of that nutrient, nearly a third of your daily value. It also provides 1.62 milligrams of iron, 40 milligrams of magnesium and 172 milligrams of phosphorous, giving you 20 to 30 percent of your RDI for each of those minerals.


Lychees contain powerful antioxidant properties, according to researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangzhou, China who published a study in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" in 2010. They reported that some proanthocyanidins in lychee fruit appear to have more antioxidant potency than L-ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. They also found that litchitannin A2, a compound in lychees, exhibited antiviral activity against viral infections such as coxsackie virus and herpes simplex virus.

With an inedible seed, the lychee is a fruit, rather than a nut.

With an inedible seed, the lychee is a fruit, rather than a nut.

The lychee is sometimes called a nut due to its firm shell, but it is actually a fruit. The seed of the lychee is inedible. The plant is highly esteemed in China, with dozens of varieties named after prominent Chinese families. The lychee can be round, egg-shaped or heart-shaped, with a variety of textures, fragrances, flavors and colors. It's a nutritious fruit, raw or dried, but the high sugar content of dried lychee may make it undesirable to diabetics or people on restricted-calorie diets.

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Nutrition Basics

A 1-cup serving of fresh, raw lychees, has 126 calories with about a gram of fat and protein and 2.5 grams of fiber. Its sugar content is rather high, with 28 grams of natural sugar, about the same amount as in 1.5 cups of sweet cherries. Because the water is removed during the dehydration process, concentrating all of the remaining components, dried lychee is significantly higher in sugar and calories. One 1/2-cup serving has 263 calories and 63 grams of sugar, but it also provides 3.6 grams of protein and 4.4 grams of fiber.


Raw lychee fruit is rich in vitamin C. Each cup provides more than 100 percent of the vitamin C the Institute of Medicine recommends you get each day. One serving also gives you small amounts of folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B-6, providing antioxidant benefits, immune system support, healthy metabolism, nerve function, heart and brain health. Dried lychee offers more than twice as much of these nutrients, per gram.


Lychee fruit is a good source of potassium, a mineral that works with sodium to maintain a healthy balance of water in your body, keeping your blood pressure at a safe level. Although a cup of raw lychee has 324 milligrams of potassium, giving you less than 10 percent of your recommended daily intake, half as much dried lychee provides 1,054 milligrams of that nutrient, nearly a third of your daily value. It also provides 1.62 milligrams of iron, 40 milligrams of magnesium and 172 milligrams of phosphorous, giving you 20 to 30 percent of your RDI for each of those minerals.


Lychees contain powerful antioxidant properties, according to researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangzhou, China who published a study in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" in 2010. They reported that some proanthocyanidins in lychee fruit appear to have more antioxidant potency than L-ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. They also found that litchitannin A2, a compound in lychees, exhibited antiviral activity against viral infections such as coxsackie virus and herpes simplex virus.

Benefits of Juicing Watermelon

Benefits of Juicing Watermelon
A glass of watermelon juice. Photo Credit utah778/iStock/Getty Images

Watermelon has been used for ages in folk medicine, and now current research shows it can also protect the liver, heal muscles and provide other health benefits. When you juice watermelon, you get a concentrated source of its beneficial properties.

Increased Nutrient Consumption

Elson Haas, M.D., author of "The Detox Diet" notes fresh juices are an excellent delivery system for many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. When juiced, fruits like watermelon are broken down and compacted to allow increased consumption, thereby providing more nutrients that when eaten in solid form. Vitamins and minerals in watermelon include potassium, B vitamins, vitamin A as beta carotene. Watermelon also contains antioxidants, including lycopene, which may help reduce the risk of some cancers.

Liver Protection

A study published in September 2011 in "Food and Chemical Toxicology" studied watermelon juice's potential therapeutic effects on the liver. In the lab, administration of watermelon juice lessened liver damage from exposure to carbon tetrachloride. This toxic chemical is found in the air and industrial products, and it is known to damage the kidneys, liver and brain. The study concluded there is evidence to support use of watermelon juice to combat liver damage from carbon tetrachloride.

Muscle Soreness Relief and Recovery

Another study, this one from the August 2013 issue of "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" showed watermelon may reduce muscle soreness and heart rate recovery in athletes. The study's authors note l-citrulline, an amino acid in watermelon, is effective in reducing muscle soreness, and the study used both watermelon juice and l-citrulline itself. The study found l-citrulline was absorbed better when in watermelon than alone and concluded watermelon juice is effective in reducing muscle soreness and heart rate recovery

Benefits of Juicing Watermelon
A glass of watermelon juice. Photo Credit utah778/iStock/Getty Images

Watermelon has been used for ages in folk medicine, and now current research shows it can also protect the liver, heal muscles and provide other health benefits. When you juice watermelon, you get a concentrated source of its beneficial properties.

Increased Nutrient Consumption

Elson Haas, M.D., author of "The Detox Diet" notes fresh juices are an excellent delivery system for many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. When juiced, fruits like watermelon are broken down and compacted to allow increased consumption, thereby providing more nutrients that when eaten in solid form. Vitamins and minerals in watermelon include potassium, B vitamins, vitamin A as beta carotene. Watermelon also contains antioxidants, including lycopene, which may help reduce the risk of some cancers.

Liver Protection

A study published in September 2011 in "Food and Chemical Toxicology" studied watermelon juice's potential therapeutic effects on the liver. In the lab, administration of watermelon juice lessened liver damage from exposure to carbon tetrachloride. This toxic chemical is found in the air and industrial products, and it is known to damage the kidneys, liver and brain. The study concluded there is evidence to support use of watermelon juice to combat liver damage from carbon tetrachloride.

What Are the Wonder Health Benefits of Drinking Apple Juice

How apple juice is good for health?

Everybody is familiar with the fact that “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”. This precise statement shows the relevance and significance of eating apple and drinking apple juice. Apple juice promotes healthy body due to its enough power packed disease fighting vitamins. Apple juice is associated with important phytonutrients, which counter many health hazards like cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease and blood pressure. Because of its antioxidants content, it reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Apple is the richest source of phenolic compounds, which directly absorbed into the blood stream.Health Benefits of Apple Juice

Apple juice is the wonderful healthiest juice to keep you away from diseases and ailments. Apple is grown across the world and equally cherish by the people due to its delicious, enriched nutrient facts and incredible health benefits.

Top 10 surprising benefits of Apple juice

1. Apple juice for glowing skin

Apple juice is highly beneficial for skin related problems and hair. Apple juice can be used as home remedy to treat skin problems such as inflammation, itching, cracked skin, pimples, acne, and wrinkles. Apple juice is good against dandruff. Application of apple juice over the scalp followed by washing it after few minutes is good in dandruff prevention. Raw apple juice contains enough amount of vitamin C, which keeps your ligaments, tendons and skin healthy by producing collagen

2. Apple juice for diabetes prevention

Drinking of apple juice is linked with lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. The presence of phyto-chemicals in apple is good in blood sugar regulation. These phenolic compounds stimulate the beta cells in the pancreas to secrete more insulin and helps in absorption of glucose from the digestive tract. Apple, especially the green one is good for diabetes due to its rich fiber content.

3. Apple juice for weight loss

Apple juice has low calorific value. Apple juice has low amount of sodium that helps to release excess water from the body. Presence of extra water in the body also gives the impression of heaviness and obese. Apple juice is full of fiber that makes your stomach full and discourages you from overeating.

4. Apple juice is good for heart

Apple juice is loaded with antioxidants. It is having important bio-chemical compounds such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds are good in promoting heart health. Potassium is also seen with these products and good for heart. Potassium controls heart’s electrical activity and manages the acid-base ratio. One cup of apple juice provides more Potassium than the body’s daily requirement. Drinking of apple juice is also linked with decreased risk of stroke. Regular drinking of apple juice prevents the hardening of arteries due to rich amount of vitamin C. Apple juice helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the body thereby save you from many cardiac problems. Drinking apple juice every day is enabled you developing resistance against many diseases.

5. Apple juice for asthma prevention

Apple juice is loaded with flavonoids, which is effective in prevention of asthma attacks. This anti-oxidant makes your lungs function smooth. In a recent research, it has found that the positive association between lungs function and super antioxidant flavonoids. The drinking of apple juice regularly reduces the risk of developing asthma by 30-40 per cent. Asthma patients who drinks apple juice regularly, experiences less wheezing and asthma attack due to high amount of vitamin C and profuse antioxidants.

6. Apple juice for liver health

Apple juice due to its alkaline nature helps to flush out toxins and waste products from the body. It is good in maintain the pH level of the body. Apple skin contains pectin, which is beneficial in smooth function of the digestive system. Thus apple juice acts like as liver cleanser.

7. Apple juice prevents cancer

Apple juice helps to combat cancer, especially the lung cancer and colon cancer. The super anti oxidants like flavonoids and phenolic acids in apple are helpful in prevention of cancer. Apple is linked to antimutagenic activity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory mechanisms and antiproliferative. It also prevents cancer like skin and mammary. Apple juice along with peel offers more cancer benefits because quercetin content is more abundant in the peel, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

8. Apple juice improves immunity

Apple juice has the adequate amount of vitamin C, which boosts your immunity thereby prevents you from many diseases caused by virus and bacteria. The presence of vitamin C and iron is also effective in making your bones stronger.

9. Apple juice cures constipation

Apple juice should be taken by person who is experiencing constipation problems. Apple juice contains sorbitol, which helps to extract water from the large intestine into colon thus facilitate easy passes of stool. To have the better benefits of it, take one glass of apple juice daily.  Apple contains a natural laxative. When its juice are taken, ensures the bowel movement and improves the intestinal power to push water through the gastrointestinal tract. Bowel movement also reduces the chances of colon cancer.

10. Apple’s nutrition facts

Apple’s maximum nutrients are found on the skin or just below the skin. Apple has the adequate amount of pectin and fiber. Apple juice has the good amount of vitamin A, C and B6. Drinking a cup of apple juice means taking 10 different types of vitamins at a time. The juice also contains important minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese and iron. Apple juice has multiples phytonutrients such as ellagic acid, malic acid, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin. It is low in sodium and contains no fat and cholesterol.

How apple juice is good for health?

Everybody is familiar with the fact that “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”. This precise statement shows the relevance and significance of eating apple and drinking apple juice. Apple juice promotes healthy body due to its enough power packed disease fighting vitamins. Apple juice is associated with important phytonutrients, which counter many health hazards like cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease and blood pressure. Because of its antioxidants content, it reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Apple is the richest source of phenolic compounds, which directly absorbed into the blood stream.Health Benefits of Apple JuiceApple juice with 3apples“. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Apple juice is the wonderful healthiest juice to keep you away from diseases and ailments. Apple is grown across the world and equally cherish by the people due to its delicious, enriched nutrient facts and incredible health benefits.

Top 10 surprising benefits of Apple juice

1. Apple juice for glowing skin

Apple juice is highly beneficial for skin related problems and hair. Apple juice can be used as home remedy to treat skin problems such as inflammation, itching, cracked skin, pimples, acne, and wrinkles. Apple juice is good against dandruff. Application of apple juice over the scalp followed by washing it after few minutes is good in dandruff prevention. Raw apple juice contains enough amount of vitamin C, which keeps your ligaments, tendons and skin healthy by producing collagen

2. Apple juice for diabetes prevention

Drinking of apple juice is linked with lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. The presence of phyto-chemicals in apple is good in blood sugar regulation. These phenolic compounds stimulate the beta cells in the pancreas to secrete more insulin and helps in absorption of glucose from the digestive tract. Apple, especially the green one is good for diabetes due to its rich fiber content.

3. Apple juice for weight loss

Apple juice has low calorific value. Apple juice has low amount of sodium that helps to release excess water from the body. Presence of extra water in the body also gives the impression of heaviness and obese. Apple juice is full of fiber that makes your stomach full and discourages you from overeating.

4. Apple juice is good for heart

Apple juice is loaded with antioxidants. It is having important bio-chemical compounds such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds are good in promoting heart health. Potassium is also seen with these products and good for heart. Potassium controls heart’s electrical activity and manages the acid-base ratio. One cup of apple juice provides more Potassium than the body’s daily requirement. Drinking of apple juice is also linked with decreased risk of stroke. Regular drinking of apple juice prevents the hardening of arteries due to rich amount of vitamin C. Apple juice helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the body thereby save you from many cardiac problems. Drinking apple juice every day is enabled you developing resistance against many diseases.

5. Apple juice for asthma prevention

Apple juice is loaded with flavonoids, which is effective in prevention of asthma attacks. This anti-oxidant makes your lungs function smooth. In a recent research, it has found that the positive association between lungs function and super antioxidant flavonoids. The drinking of apple juice regularly reduces the risk of developing asthma by 30-40 per cent. Asthma patients who drinks apple juice regularly, experiences less wheezing and asthma attack due to high amount of vitamin C and profuse antioxidants.

6. Apple juice for liver health

Apple juice due to its alkaline nature helps to flush out toxins and waste products from the body. It is good in maintain the pH level of the body. Apple skin contains pectin, which is beneficial in smooth function of the digestive system. Thus apple juice acts like as liver cleanser.

7. Apple juice prevents cancer

Apple juice helps to combat cancer, especially the lung cancer and colon cancer. The super anti oxidants like flavonoids and phenolic acids in apple are helpful in prevention of cancer. Apple is linked to antimutagenic activity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory mechanisms and antiproliferative. It also prevents cancer like skin and mammary. Apple juice along with peel offers more cancer benefits because quercetin content is more abundant in the peel, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

8. Apple juice improves immunity

Apple juice has the adequate amount of vitamin C, which boosts your immunity thereby prevents you from many diseases caused by virus and bacteria. The presence of vitamin C and iron is also effective in making your bones stronger.

9. Apple juice cures constipation

Apple juice should be taken by person who is experiencing constipation problems. Apple juice contains sorbitol, which helps to extract water from the large intestine into colon thus facilitate easy passes of stool. To have the better benefits of it, take one glass of apple juice daily.  Apple contains a natural laxative. When its juice are taken, ensures the bowel movement and improves the intestinal power to push water through the gastrointestinal tract. Bowel movement also reduces the chances of colon cancer.

10. Apple’s nutrition facts

Apple’s maximum nutrients are found on the skin or just below the skin. Apple has the adequate amount of pectin and fiber. Apple juice has the good amount of vitamin A, C and B6. Drinking a cup of apple juice means taking 10 different types of vitamins at a time. The juice also contains important minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese and iron. Apple juice has multiples phytonutrients such as ellagic acid, malic acid, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin. It is low in sodium and contains no fat and cholesterol.

Pineapple health benefits – Fruit with a Crown

Pineapple health benefits

Pineapple Health Benefits


Pineapples, another marvellous discovery of Christopher Columbus are counted among extravagant and exotic fruits. The exceptional juicy nature and the tropical flavour of the pineapples balance the taste of this fruit between tart and sweet. Pineapples are the result of fusion of individual fruitlets which fuse around the core in the centre. Pineapple, unlike other fruits is always ripened on the plant only. Once the pineapple is plucked, the taste of the pineapple remains same and no artificial ripening method can change it. Pineapple health benefits are numerous. Few of them are discussed below:

  1. Boost the immune system: pineapples help in boosting the body’s immunity against several infections as it works towards building a strong immune system. Since pineapples are very rich in Vitamin C which is also known as anti-oxidant vitamin, it improves the efficiency of immune system. Collagen synthesis in body is also dependent on Vitamin C. collagen acts as a structural protein for skin, bones, blood vessels and other organs.
  2. Strong bones: pineapple health benefits also include its impact on our skeleton system. Manganese present in pineapples is vital for the development of healthy bones. Pineapples are help in strengthening of connective tissues. Manganese is also required for production of energy, synthesis of fatty foods. A cup of pineapple juice is essential to maintain healthy bones.
  3. Diabetic helps: people suffering from diabetes can find some relief with this sweet fruit. Pineapple health benefits for diabetic people are that they can relish the sweet taste of this fruit and not worrying for the calories all the time. There is no spike in the level of blood sugar after consumption of pineapples.
  4.  Macular degeneration: macular degeneration is condition in which retina gets damaged which gradually leads to vision loss. Including pineapple in daily diet helps preventing the macular degeneration. The beta-carotene present in pineapple helps in improving the sight.
  5. Anti-inflammatory effect: pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which functions by reducing the pain, swelling and healing time. Pineapple consumption helps in fighting against worm infestation and arthritis.  Bromelain help in digesting the proteins and work as a detoxifier.
  6. Eat pineapple for healthy gums: gums hold the teeth together and pineapple helps in keeping the gums strong. The acidic nature of pineapple also prevents the growth of bacteria.
  7. Fertility: pineapple has become important fruit for maintaining the fertility of both males and females. This is because of the anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, Beta carotene, minerals like zinc; copper and folate prevent the damage caused to the reproductive system by free radicals.
  8. Prevents against the cancer: as well know now that how important is it to include the pineapples in our daily diet because of its strong anti—oxidant properties. The anti-oxidant properties of pineapple also help by reducing the risk of cancer by removing the free radicals.
  9. Prevents from hyper tension and controls the blood pressure: a pineapple rich diet means a diet rich in potassium and low on sodium. Thus pineapple health benefits also include maintaining the blood pressure at optimum level as well as preventing from hypertension.
  10. Younger looking skin: want to look young? Well, including pineapples in your diet may fulfil your wish. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen which keeps the skin flexible and firm. The vitamin C and amino acids presence in pineapples repairs the damaged tissue and cells.
  11.  Formation of mucous:  if you are suffering from accumulation of mucous in throats, try pineapple juice. Pineapple juice helps in clearing out the throat and preventing the accumulation of mucous. The Vitamin C in pineapple helps in clearing the lungs also.