Coconut Juice Benefits

Coconut Juice Benefits
A coconut drink on a sandy beach. Photo Credit shalamov/iStock/Getty Images

Coconut juice comes from the belly of young coconuts. Sometimes referred to as coconut water, coconut juice provides an impressive amount of nutrition and benefits your overall health. The best source of coconut juice is young coconuts. In the packaged varieties, pasteurization kills harmful microorganisms and helps preserve the coconut juice, but it also destroys many of the health properties and essential enzymes.

Nutritional Benefits

A 1-cup serving of raw coconut juice contains 46 calories, less than 1/2 gram of fat and 2.6 grams of fiber. Not only is this a low-calorie, low-fat beverage, but it also provides important electrolytes, such as 600 milligrams of potassium and 252 milligrams of sodium. For optimum bone health and muscle recovery, you get 58 milligrams of calcium and 60 milligrams of magnesium.

B Vitamins and Bioactive Enzymes

Coconut water contains water-soluble vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7 and B-9 that act as coenzymes essential for cellular function. The bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase and RNA-polymerases in coconut juice aid your body with digestion and metabolism.


High in Cytokinins

A study published by "Molecules" in 2009 uncovered the chemical composition and biological properties of raw coconut water. Of particular interest are the cytokinins, which are responsible for cell division and rapid growth. One particular cytokinin, called kinetin, had anti-aging effects on human skin cells and increased the life span of fruit flies. Another study published in the journal "Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology" in 2008 demonstrated the benefits of cytokinins for preserving avulsed teeth, which is good to know if you ever lose a tooth unintentionally.


Post-Workout Hydration and Recovery

One of the main advantages of coconut juice is its ability to help your body recover after working out or excessively sweating. The "Journal of Biological and Chemical Research" published a report in 2013 on the health benefits of coconut in Asian cuisine. The report refers to coconut water as a natural energy or sports drink. This is, no doubt, due to the beverage's high electrolyte, magnesium and calcium content. The small amount of sugar in coconut water is necessary to help your muscles recover after a strenuous workout.

Coconut Juice Benefits
A coconut drink on a sandy beach. Photo Credit shalamov/iStock/Getty Images

Coconut juice comes from the belly of young coconuts. Sometimes referred to as coconut water, coconut juice provides an impressive amount of nutrition and benefits your overall health. The best source of coconut juice is young coconuts. In the packaged varieties, pasteurization kills harmful microorganisms and helps preserve the coconut juice, but it also destroys many of the health properties and essential enzymes.

Nutritional Benefits

A 1-cup serving of raw coconut juice contains 46 calories, less than 1/2 gram of fat and 2.6 grams of fiber. Not only is this a low-calorie, low-fat beverage, but it also provides important electrolytes, such as 600 milligrams of potassium and 252 milligrams of sodium. For optimum bone health and muscle recovery, you get 58 milligrams of calcium and 60 milligrams of magnesium.

B Vitamins and Bioactive Enzymes

Coconut water contains water-soluble vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7 and B-9 that act as coenzymes essential for cellular function. The bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase and RNA-polymerases in coconut juice aid your body with digestion and metabolism.

High in Cytokinins

A study published by "Molecules" in 2009 uncovered the chemical composition and biological properties of raw coconut water. Of particular interest are the cytokinins, which are responsible for cell division and rapid growth. One particular cytokinin, called kinetin, had anti-aging effects on human skin cells and increased the life span of fruit flies. Another study published in the journal "Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology" in 2008 demonstrated the benefits of cytokinins for preserving avulsed teeth, which is good to know if you ever lose a tooth unintentionally.

Post-Workout Hydration and Recovery

One of the main advantages of coconut juice is its ability to help your body recover after working out or excessively sweating. The "Journal of Biological and Chemical Research" published a report in 2013 on the health benefits of coconut in Asian cuisine. The report refers to coconut water as a natural energy or sports drink. This is, no doubt, due to the beverage's high electrolyte, magnesium and calcium content. The small amount of sugar in coconut water is necessary to help your muscles recover after a strenuous workout.

Health Benefits of Tamarind

The health benefits of tamarind have been well-studied and include the ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body, improve eye health, boost respiratory health, heal skin conditions, improve the digestive system, relieve pain, increase the strength of the immune system, reduce fever, lower cholesterol to improve cardiovascular health, treat piles, prevent cancer, and even protect children against parasites and worms.

Tamarind is a delicious, sweet fruit that has a wide variety of uses and applications, both for medicinal and culinary purposes. It is a medium-sized bushy tree with evergreen leaves and fruit that develops in pods characterized by long, brown shells. Inside is a sticky, fleshy, juicy pulp, which is the tamarind fruit. This is where the nutrition and taste reside! It is both sweet and sour in taste, and people tend to either immediately like it or have a natural disposition against it!

It is a member of the Fabaceae family, and its full scientific name is Tamarindus indica. The tamarind tree is indigenous to tropical regions of Africa, particularly the Sudan, but its cultivation has since spread to almost all tropical areas of the world, since it is such a useful and desirable source of nutrition and unique flavors. It has been cultivated for thousands of years, and likely made its way to Asia about 5,000 years ago. It wasn’t until 500 years ago that it made its way to the Americas via Spanish explorers, and South America and Mexico remain both the largest consumers and producers of tamarind in the world.

It can be consumed as a raw fruit, added to desserts once it is fully ripe, or it can be dried and ground into a spice. It is often used in jams and sauces, and is even dried and processed into candy in some parts of the world. It is a normal ingredient in soups and various dishes throughout Asia and South America, owing to the wealth of health benefits this unassuming little seed pod contains. Let’s find out more about what components make tamarind such a powerful and essential part of your diet!

Nutritional Value of Tamarind

Tamarind is such a valuable commodity in the world because of its many nutritional components that add to its healthy impact. These include a significant level of vitamin C, as well as vitamin E, B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. There are also a number of organic compounds that make tamarind a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. The health benefits of tamarind are explained in greater detail below.

Health Benefits of Tamarind

Digestive Health: Tamarind has long been considered a natural laxative, and its dietary fiber content probably has something to do with it. Eating tamarind as a fruit or as a spice can increase the efficiency of your digestive system, while the fiber can bulk up your stool, making it move through the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract easier. Tamarind is also a bilious substance, meaning that stimulates the activity of bile, which can help dissolve food faster, and the fiber also stimulates gastric juices to speed up digestion. All of this together means that things run through your digestive tract faster, making it a powerful laxative if you are suffering from chronic constipation. Oddly enough, the fiber can also reduce loose stool, and studies have shown tamarind to be effective against chronic diarrhea as well!

TamarindHeart Health: Studies done on tamarind have shown it to be effective in reducing blood pressure and blood cholesterol. The fiber content in tamarind certainly has something to do with the reduction in cholesterol, since it is known to scrap excess LDL cholesterol from the veins and arteries. The potassium in tamarind may be responsible for the reduction in blood pressure, since it is known as a vasodilator that reduces the stress on the cardiovascular system. The impressive level of vitamin C in tamarind also may have something to do with it as well, since vitamin C is an antioxidant compound that can reduce the impact of free radicals, those pesky byproducts of cellular metabolism that have been linked to heart disease and a number of other health conditions.

Circulation: Tamarind is a very good source of iron, and a single serving can provide more than 10% of your daily requirement. A healthy supply of iron in the body guarantees the proper red blood cell count in the body, which can ensure appropriate oxygenation of different muscles and organs that need oxygen to function properly. Also, iron deficiency results in anemia, which is characterized by weakness, fatigue, headaches, cognitive disorders, and stomach issues. So, eat plenty of tamarind to keep anemia at bay!

Nerve Function: One of the most significant vitamin elements of tamarind is the B complex. Thiamine, one of the most important parts of that vitamin family, is found in high quantities within tamarind. Thiamine is responsible for improving nerve function, as well as muscle development, which can help you remain active, maintain your reflexive, and stay strong.

Weight Loss: One of the unique compounds that can be extracted from tamarinds or gained as a benefit from it when used as a spice is called hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA is connected to weight loss because it has been shown to inhibit an enzyme in the body that specifically helps store fat. Furthermore, tamarind has been known to suppress the appetite by increasing the serotonin neurotransmitter. Research is still ongoing in these respective areas, but it shows promising signs as a weight loss supplement!

Manage Diabetes: Along with its ability to stop weight gain, inhibiting that enzyme, alpha-amylase mainly stops carbohydrates from being absorbed, which are easily converted to simple sugars or fats. A carbohydrate-heavy diet can increase the chances of uncontrolled glucose and insulin levels, which is the biggest problems for people suffering from diabetes. Tamarind can help monitor and control these fluctuations.


Anti-Inflammatory Capacity: The essential oils of tamarind have been connected to a number of anti-inflammatory abilities, including the reduction of joint pain and inflammation, arthritis, rheumatic conditions, and gout. It also reduces eye irritation. One of the most common forms of this is conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. Tamarind has shown a definite soothing and anti-inflammatory ability, and is therefore used in many herbal remedies for inflammation.

Immune System: High levels of vitamin C, as well as other antioxidant effects in the essential oils make tamarind a wonderful way to boost your immune system and ensure long-term health from microbial and fungal infections. It also reduces the occurrence of parasites in the body due to its antiseptic andantimicrobial effects. It has specifically been linked to eliminating stomach worms in children in tropical areas where tamarind in cultivated.

A Few Words of Caution: The main concern is that tamarind lowers blood pressure and is a blood thinner, so it can be difficult to reduce bleeding in case something happens. If you are taking aspirin or other blood thinners, be careful if you ingest an excessive amount of tamarind.

Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Eating Guava

Guava is termed as superfruits because of the presence of multiple health benefits nutrients-vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, copper, manganese, fibre, flavanoids, and other phytochemicals.  It is surprising to know that guavas are having more vitamin C than oranges and more potassium than  bananas.

One guava contains 169 mg of vitamin C while an orange has only 69 mg. Guava is also  used as guava jams and jellies.  To know in details about the Top 15 Health and Medicinal Benefits of Guavas, go through the article.

Guava for cancer treatment

Guava is one of the important fruits which are abundant with cancer fighting antioxidants-Lycopene.  The phytochemical-lycopene is good for treatment and combating of cancerssuch as prostate and breast cancer. The higher concentration of Lycopene fights with free radicals and prevents the risk of cancer and heart diseases. For cancer diseases, one should prefer to red fleshed guava over other varieties of guavas. The antioxidants also prevent the formation of cancerous tumours.  The other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids, beta-carotene, lutein and cryptoxanthin along with antioxidants also help to fight free radical cells which credit to cause cancer.
Guava is plentiful of dietary fibre that aids in protecting of colon mucous which prevents toxins and cancer causing cells.  Fruits rich in carotene such as guava are known to fight off lung and oral cancers too.

Guava treats hypertension

Guava is highly useful for the treatment of blood pressure, hypertension and heart disease. Guava contains adequate fiber and also hypoglycemic in nature which helps to control cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Guava improves heart health, prevents stroke by controlling high blood pressure and lowering cholesterol which is credited to the presence of moderate quantity of potassium.

Guava for skin care and beauty

Are you facing the problems of skin loosening, regular eating of guava works significantly in improving the texture and health of the skin? Guava enhances skin texture, tightening the loosening skin,  and far better  options than the nourishing lotions available in the market. The higher concentration of minerals and nutrients presence in guava makes the skin toned, fresh and wrinkle free. Guavas also help to revive the lost elasticity of the skin. The astringents present in guavas keep the skin away from blemishes, acne, wrinkles and pimples. Guava, being anti blemishes in nature, also known for anti aging properties. For skin beauty, you may also wash your face with the decoction of immature guava fruits and its leaves.

Constipation home remedy through Guava

Guava contains sufficient quantity of dietary fibre and roughage that are extremely beneficial for constipation  piles and haemorrhoids.  A 100 gram of guava contains about 36% of recommended daily intake of fiber. Guava seeds are powerful laxatives, help in chronic constipation and cleansing the digestive system. Dietary fibre helps in digestion and absorption of nutrients from food substances. Guavas contain higher amount of insoluble fibre that facilitate the movement of wastes from colon; clean the intestines and excretory system and help in treatment of constipation. Since guavas cleanse the intestine, so it is also an effective remedy for intestinal laziness.

Weight Loss through guava

Many of us don’t know how to lose weight naturally and effectively through diets and foods. Guavas are the important weight loss foods. Guavas are rich in dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins with no cholesterol and low carbohydrate; give you the satisfaction of fullness. If you want to lose your weight naturally, eat one or two guava at lunch time. It is sufficient to give you energy till the evening. Guava leaves are also considered as weight loss diet. The adequate roughage keeps your stomach full, reduces the desire of more eating thereby helps to lose weight from tummy and other regions.

Diabetes treatment and guava

A study was conducted by Medicinal Research Laboratory, Allahabad University on mice showed that guava fruits and leaves have the power to lower blood sugar levels. It showed positive results when the fruit was taken without skin. In Japan, guava leaf  tea is taken to promote health and prevents diabetes as this helps to absorb maltose and sucrose thereby control blood sugar levels. In China, peeled guavas are also taken to treat diabetes since the ancient times.

Guava for toothache

Guava contains greater percentage of vitamin C than oranges, about four times than oranges. Having a higher concentration of vitamin C, it is useful in the treatment of bleeding and swollen gums. The astringents contents of guava leave juice are a useful remedy for toothache pain, swollen gums and ulcers.  The gargling of guava leaves is an important toothache remedy. The properly masticated guava stopped the blood leakage from gums. Guava juice is one of the important home remedies to treat gums problems.  Guava is rich in folate that prevents bad breath which is responsible for gum disease gingivitis.

Guava for cough and cold

Guava leaves juices are beneficial in curing and treating cough and cold. Guava juice reduces lungs congestion & mucous formation, and makes the respiratory tract infection free because of its rich source of Vitamin C and iron. These nutrients are also helpful to inhibit influenza virus infection.  Guavas juices also helpful to fight dengue fever.

Guava for diarrhea and dysentery

Guava is beneficial in the treatment of diarrhoea as the fruit inhibits microbial growth, releases excessive mucous from the intestine thereby helps to bind loose stools. The fruits are alkaline in nature that prevent the growth of bacteria, and having disinfectant properties. The phytochemical such as carotenoids, vitamin C and potassium acts like as disinfectants. Chewing guava leaves remove extra mucus from the intestine. Drinking guava leaf tea results in fewer stools. Guava barks are also used as astringents to treat diarrhoea among children.  Guava leaf extract is useful in curing of gastrointestinal disorders because of containing quercetin and flavonoids.

Guava for heart disease treatment

The extract of guava is considered as proper functioning of heart and heart beat. Guava combats free radicals produced after metabolism and helps to check age related diseases such as Alzheimers, cataracts, heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis.  The dietary fiber of guavas is helpful in lowering of cholesterol.

Guava leaf health benefits

Tender guava leaves are used as medicine since long times. These young leaves are abundant with many beneficial bio-chemicals such as quercetins and vitamin C including many antioxidants. Tender guava leaf tea is useful in curing of diabetes, diarrhoea and reduces cholesterol.  Guavas folate helps in the metabolism of protein and carbohydrate for fuel.

Medicinal benefits of guavas

The different components of guavas such as fruits, barks, leaves are beneficial against of bacteria such as Micrococcus pyogenes and Escherichia coli.  Fruits extract of guavas are useful against Salmonella. The fruits of guavas are also used as laxative. The vitamin C contents develop immune system which prevents fungal, bacterial and viral infections.  The folate of guavas is good for pregnant women as it prevents defects in new born baby.

Nutrition facts guava

Guavas are rich in many vitamins, minerals and nutrients.  Guava contains an antioxidant-vitamin E which helps preventing tissue damage from free radicals, and protects your body by releasing toxins. It is packed with nutrients such as calcium, potassium, vitamins C, A and  B, folic acid, fiber, beta carotene, lycopene, phosphorous, iron, folate, flavonoids, isoflavonoids,  polyphenols, etc.  A test has confirmed that guava has the highest concentration of antioxidants than apples, pomegranates, Indian plums, mangoes, custard apples, bananas and grapes

Guavas juice health benefits

Guavas juices are prepared of young leaves and guavas. Guavas juices have many health and medicinal benefits. Guavas juices are refreshing in nature.  Guavas juices are rich in fiber which is beneficial for proper functioning of digestive system. It helps to cleanse the body. Also useful for obese as well as diabetic patients.

Guava for acidity treatment

Guavas act like as alkanity inside the body.  The basicity properties of guavas are used in the treatment of acidity and hyperacidity. Guavas juices are helpful in releasing of toxins from the body, especially from the stomach.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk

The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk
Small glass of coconut milk on tabletop. Photo Credit HandmadePictures/iStock/Getty Images

Coconuts and coconut milk have traditionally gotten a bad rap due to its high saturated fat levels. However, island populations around the world have used the fruit's meat juice, milk and oil in everything from cooking to disease prevention. Furthermore, the unique fatty acids in coconut milk may aid weight loss, improve immune function, reduce heart disease risk and improve skin and hair health.

Weight Loss

New research has revealed that not eating enough fat can actually make you fat. According to Bruce Fife, N.D. in his article "The Fat that Can Make You Thin," people who include more healthy fats in their diet, such as the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut milk, eat less than those who don't get enough fat. While all fats help the body feel full and satiate the brain receptors that control appetite, the fat in coconut milk may increase metabolism and perhaps increase weight loss on a reduced-calorie diet.


Immune System Health

Coconut milk contains lauric acid, antimicrobial lipids and capric acid, which have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. The body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which may fight the viruses and bacteria that cause herpes, influenza and even HIV. According to a study led by Dr. Gilda Sapphire Erguiza, a pediatric pulmonologist at the Philippine Children's Medical Center in Quezon City, children with pneumonia who were treated with antibiotics and coconut oil benefited more than those taking the antibiotic alone.

Heart Disease

The medium-chain saturated fatty acids in coconut milk may also improve heart health. A study in "Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition" showed that Filipino women who ate more coconut oil had healthier blood lipid profiles, a major determinant of heart disease. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut milk may also kill the three major types of atherogenic organisms -- bacteria that cause plaque formation in the arteries -- that may lead to heart disease.

Healthy Skin and Hair

Coconut milk is highly nutritious when ingested, and these nutrients may help fortify and condition skin and hair as well. The fatty acids in coconut milk are a natural antiseptic and may help treat dandruff, skin infections, wounds and dry, itchy skin. Furthermore, the high fatty acid content in coconut milk serves as a natural moisturizer for healthy skin and may help repair wrinkles and sagging in aging skin.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk
Small glass of coconut milk on tabletop. Photo Credit HandmadePictures/iStock/Getty Images

Coconuts and coconut milk have traditionally gotten a bad rap due to its high saturated fat levels. However, island populations around the world have used the fruit's meat juice, milk and oil in everything from cooking to disease prevention. Furthermore, the unique fatty acids in coconut milk may aid weight loss, improve immune function, reduce heart disease risk and improve skin and hair health.

Weight Loss

New research has revealed that not eating enough fat can actually make you fat. According to Bruce Fife, N.D. in his article "The Fat that Can Make You Thin," people who include more healthy fats in their diet, such as the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut milk, eat less than those who don't get enough fat. While all fats help the body feel full and satiate the brain receptors that control appetite, the fat in coconut milk may increase metabolism and perhaps increase weight loss on a reduced-calorie diet.

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Make your own fresh mango juice with a juicer or blender. Photo Credit homydesign/iStock/Getty Images

Mangos have yellow, green or reddish orange skin and a deep orange interior. The fruit, grown in tropical climates around the world, has been part of the human diet for more than 4,000 years, according to the National Mango Board. Mango juice contains vitamins and minerals essential for good health. Look for mango juice that does not contain added sugar to get the most health benefits.

What Are the Health Benefits of Mango Juice?
Make your own fresh mango juice with a juicer or blender. Photo Credit homydesign/iStock/Getty Images

Mangos have yellow, green or reddish orange skin and a deep orange interior. The fruit, grown in tropical climates around the world, has been part of the human diet for more than 4,000 years, according to the National Mango Board. Mango juice contains vitamins and minerals essential for good health. Look for mango juice that does not contain added sugar to get the most health benefits.

Health benefits of coconut-water